Bernie Sanders Unveiling Plan to Guarantee Everyone a Job and at Least $15 Per Hour

Bernie Sanders Unveiling Plan to Guarantee Everyone a Job and at Least $15 Per Hour

When it comes to government spending, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) isn’t one to hold back.

During the 2016 campaign, Sanders pushed for the government to guarantee free health care and free college education. Now, he reportedly wants the federal government to ensure everyone who wants a job has one, gets paid at least $15 per hour, and receives health care benefits.
Sanders’ plan, according to The Washington Post, would try to achieve this goal by funding “hundreds” of public works projects across the nation.

The public projects would offer jobs at a minimum of $15 per hour — along with paid family and medical leave — and come from state, local, and American Indian tribe governments’ proposals. Twelve regional field offices would filter these projects and send recommended ones to a new office in the Department of Labor.

The employees would receive the same retirement, annual leave, sick, and health benefits that other federal employees receive.

It’s unclear how Sanders would implement the plan, as his office reportedly said it hadn’t determined a cost estimate or source of funding.

“It would be extremely expensive,” Ernie Tedeschi, a former Department of Treasury economist who served in former President Barack Obama’s administration, said.

“I wonder if this is the best, most targeted use of the amount of money it would cost,” he added.

It could also raise constitutional questions given that it would entitle every American to a job. His plan would reportedly allow anyone to enter a job training center and employment office, which would connect them to job training or a job working on the public projects.