33 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Abortion”

  1. An Orthodox Christian threatening rape and brutal murder?

    How very Catholic of you.

  2. you’re not a human till your in my phone book. lmafao. Making late term abortions illegal might be a good measure, but anything before that is just ******** stupid.

  3. The potential for life starts at conception. There’s still a chance it won’t implant and will end up in a cotton grave.

  4. Lol your argument is *****, and now I’m sure that you are a moron. You are probably one of the ignorant ****** who follows the orthodox faith. You just re-assured me that my original belief about Christian Orthodox is correct.


  5. woah… bigfatpig85 said ‘*****’… that’s not very orthodox!! 😀

  6. Yeah man, do you not remember that bit in the bible where Jesus ‘skull ******’ that guys mum ‘in front of him’ and then ‘guts [him] like an animal’?

  7. This from a person whos idea of fun is watching documentaries on the waffen SS and listening to Romanian orthodox church music. You don’t find it funny because it isn’t aimed at people like you. Its about people like you.

  8. i thought stand-up comedy was suppose to be funny…bill hicks must have thought otherwise.

  9. haha, mate, there is nothing more TOO say, nothing has changed, and thats actually quite a scary thought….

  10. bigfatpig, being orthodox doesn’t mean you have no sense of humor. It means you are a ******** moron. Oh yeah, calling someone a *****, how christlike. You are an evil, annoying, idiot *****. And for the record, Bill Hicks is the best comedian that ever lived. Carlin a close second.

  11. im sorry i didnt catch bills point here, wasnt really clear to me

    was he for or against abortion?

  12. rofl you made my decision to be atheist for me with that comment. so glad you show the true light of orthodoxy.

  13. Terrible humor. Life starts at conception. It’s scientific fact. What’s the difference in a fetus 2 seconds before birth and 2 seconds after? Babies don’t just appear out of thin air on their birthdays, they are grown from conception, fearfully and wonderfully made.

    The best reason he could come up with for abortion is that ‘he doesn’t care’. Apathy, the great voice of reason.

  14. There ARE “pro-choice” people that honestly don’t believe that a fetus is a human being, thus, not deserving the rights of a human being to life. I disagree with the idea that a fetus is not a human being but, if that is truely the case, I have NO problem with abortion.

    However, there are “pro-choice” people that think that EVEN IF the fetus is a “person”, they STILL would want the “right” to kill them. I think that makes them worse than those who advocated slavery in the anti-bellum South.

  15. Why don’t people just learn how to take birth control? You really don’t need to be a genius to actually PREVENT conception.

    And if you can’t stand the odds of conception when using two different types of birth control, you shouldn’t be having sex together in the first place.

  16. Well maybe your little comment is wit in the christian community, but we use big boy words here and punctuation! Learn to take a joke you live one life, enjoy it. Also about him not being funny at all, I think a good 1 million people would disagree with you there.

    ***** Sucking Homo Loving ********

  17. Why are people, who worship the same forgiving god , arguing about who’s gonna get to heaven and who’s wrong?

  18. no because youre orthodox means you have no logical thinking process you hypocritical *****…you have no idea what you follow..you just dont want to go to “hell”

  19. wellllllllllllllll…
    lets see.. if he hates people that are pro life… then he definitely isnt against abortion..

  20. nice production turpis… I like your stuff, Bill Hicks will live forever in our hearts & minds…. I wish he was around today, I would love to hear what he was to say about ***** going on right now

  21. At the end he says he’s for abortion. Doesn’t care that much, but believes in choice. He also said a fetus isn’t a human until it’s in his phone book.

  22. yes, calling strangers names on an internet comment board makes you seem SO much more intelligent.

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