15 thoughts on “Bill hicks – backstage”

  1. its not a war on drugs its a war on personal freedom, keep that in mind at all times

  2. Check out the version in the side-bar, there’s an extra 30 seconds & Bill gets to finish his story.

  3. How dare you compare a genius of intellect and comedy like Hicks, to a nasty and stupid right wing conspiracy nut like Jones.

    Alex Jones is a fundamentalist (which he strangely never mentions although he was involved in the church of David Koresh), he lead the anti war movement into complete obscurity.
    Jones wants the rich to keep their bonuses, religious courts and laws, to end welfare.
    All the ***** Bill Hicks hated.

    wake up, Alex Jones is the biggest fraud around. Ask yourself who benefits.

  4. This might have been filmed when he had the broken leg, from some guy who got up on stage at a bad gig, and broke it.

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