13 thoughts on “Bill Hicks- Billy Ray Cyrus”

  1. I don’t think there ever was a show. He was lieing because he didn’t want people to know he was dieing of cancer. He was gone just a few months later.

  2. Who is talking about surgery? Radiation, virus,bacteria,toxic chems etc . damage the RNA.
    You are the idiot here, if you think surgery is required to introduce cancer in to a human body.
    Your village is missing you.

  3. did he ever make a tv show? or did he die before he could? or was he just joking?

  4. Billy Ray Cyrus is a useless fuckwit whose seed has corrupted the ears and minds of thousands of impressionable preteends. Only commercial fucktards and kids give a ***** about him.

    He should be murdered with a blunt knife. good day.

  5. if this show had gone ahead there mightn’t of been a miley cyrus today 😛
    if only………..

  6. “you want to be entertained by some unenlightened prick with no insight, go watch Dane Cook vids.” and if you want to be some dumbass who jumps on this miserable bandwagon of “Dane Cook sucks” when he clearly doesn’t that would also count as another loss for you. But do not get me wrong either way, Bill Hicks and George Carlin…the greatest comedians that ever lived. They pushed the envelope, did not give a ***** about what people thought when they spoke the actual truth and offended some. Kings

  7. Cover your mouth with your hand
    2. Make a wish
    3.Close your hand (fist)
    4. Hold your hand at heart for 5 seconds
    5. Send this to 3 more videos
    6. Tommorrow will be the best day ever
    it actually worked
    Money- you will find a wad of $200 in cash
    Love- Your crush or lover will kiss you or ask you out please do this my wish is im ported

  8. That’s RIGHT! I’m glad that when Bill Hicks went, he went out swinging! Cancer may have gotten Bill, but the world still has a fighting chance to defeat the REAL cancer that is plaguing the world known as Billy Ray Cyrus. Bill Hicks is proof that the good die young and evil fucktards known as the Cyrus family still inherit the earth, so that the rest of humanity may still suffer.

  9. Billy Ray Cyrus is a ***** for mainstream attention, Bill Hicks’ diatribe of him is out of contempt for people who appreciates the ***** he makes/concieves

  10. That’s a pretty complicated surgery, 3190423! Tell me how you logistically go about that?

    ******** idiot.

  11. bill is living off of his no talent daughters face, just another puppet of the corporations. What diff is he even making? I fail to see any improvement of our current situation due to bill ray. Bill Hicks accomplishes more speaking in 30 min, then anything that whole no talent, corporately whored family called the cyrus’ ever did or ever will do. BIll hicks spoke truth and expose people for what the really are, he is a truly a ray of light, no pun intended.

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