Jesus, rednecks, The Bible, nuclear weapons, and the Cross are among the topics.
26 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Christ and Christians”
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Jesus, rednecks, The Bible, nuclear weapons, and the Cross are among the topics.
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1.healed of what? intelligence?
2. put some clothes on then! eww! don’t tell us about your ejaculations
3. welcome to the republican party.
4. the world is more vivid, interesting and complex if you eat magic mushrooms too. doesn’t mean you should do it every day or base your life on it.
To give you guys somethimng to think about just go to wickiepedia and look for the first vatican counsil, it was then when the catholic church made Jesus the son of god, because a big part of the people back then though that he had to be more then just a jewish carpenter turned prophet. And yes Jesus was Jewish. Ever thought about why the Old Testament and the Thora are almost the same??? Open your mind and question the church institutions and the bible, if there is a god he only knows his rules
There are studies that certain social conditions can increase the likelihood of homosexuality. For instance, the lack of a father figure. So it’s still not their choice. I’m just trying to support your argument.
Anger – the emotion of God.
Way to now come off as an idiot with your response. Also, before you respond, I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I’m just anti-dumbfuck forced e-laughter.
how is it sinful tho?
I listen to bill while I’m also listening to pink floyd on low volume, opens the mind UP
whats spiritual about faith anyways? lol
Go ***** yourself you piece of *****, god doesn’t exist you must be so weak of mind to have to be that insecure that you need someone to fall back on.
turn ur com off and get out more…
Are you talking to me or stacks815?
billshots you need to shut the ***** up. you don’t know that some kind of god does not exist. he may not exist to YOU, but you do not speak for everyone else. me…i consider the possibility at least because unlike yourself im not closed-minded. that is not to say im a full fledged christian, im not. but you saying that someone must be so weak in order to fall back on what they believe in is so ******** ignorant and judgemental you are just better off hiding underneath a rock away from the world.
Where did you find that?
I havent written this to give you some happy clappy picture of Christianity. Nor have I come to spout hell, fire and damnation. I dont want to patronise anyone by saying that following God makes all your problems go away. It doesnt. But it does make all the tough moments in life a lot easier to come through.Here are some of my favourite verses; I hope that you will take a moment to look them up – you may be surprised.
Ecclesiastes 2, Isaiah 40V31,
I Peter Ch5 v 7
Christians are hypocritical piles of ashit, I’d love to see ever church burn
Serotonin fuelled senselessness
KNOWLEDGEisSUPER – Why is it you seem to have a reality not shared by others… shhh
Having been in theatre and having had a wife who was an opera singer, I have met many gay people and I’ve yet to meet one that wasn’t the victim of sexual abuse. My experience is definitely not empirical evidence but perhaps that may be the link?
The bible also condemns people who are judgemental.
If you look for anything in the bible, you can find what you’re looking for. It would be more accurate to say that you despise gay people, and have found leverage for your hate in the bible.
I found lines telling me to stone my neighbour for working on a sunday, and that’s the same bible that you read. Stone your neighbour for working sundays, and ill accept your argument “that the bible says so”. Clearly you have to follow everything in it.
don’t forget the weed
your views are based on christian religious principles. everything you just said that jesus is about is based on the bible, not one word of which is a first hand account of jesus’ life or teachings. If your beleifs make you a happier person then more power to you but know your happiness comes from a mental construct, not a carpenter in a cloud.
Crucify the so called Lord
He soon shall fall to me
Your souls are damned your God has fell
To slave for me eternally
Man made virus infecting the world
Self-destruct human time bomb
What if there is no God would you think the *******’ same
Wasting your life in a leap of blind faith
Wake the ***** up can’t ignore what I say
I got my own philosophy
“fighting spirit” you make out as if young men slaying eachother is spiritual.
some of his facial expressions and delivery style remind me of louis *** — who is also amazing.
This guy is the god of overweight, atheist, prematurely balding, child molesters. why is that?
No he is a voice for those who do not believe everything they are told.
He was killed because he was talking about love over fear.
Do you believe everything the news media spoon feeds you or just half of it.