14 thoughts on “Bill Hicks- David Koresh & Waco,TX”

  1. so true my man,

    In the words of the immortal Bill Hicks : “And if this bothers you , I suggest you take a look at the world in which we live…..and shut the ***** up”

  2. Twenty years….revolution every two years wouldnt make any sense. Ole TJ said there should be a revolution every twenty years.

  3. all the koresh supporters in this thread can ***** off.

    i for one and glad that ******* and all his followers died in a firey hell. less ******** heretics with god complexes to kill later.

  4. Koresh never said he was God he never said he was even the son of god. He did believe he was a prophet though. You do know a ******* is pile of sticks, kind of funny seeing as Koresh burned to death. So are you anti-government then? Seeing as you hate God complexes, lol.

  5. i think the point when he goes “***** them…” is the definitive hicks moment.

    also listen to the rest of rant in e minor. it is superb

  6. you always get mass sacrifice around the end of april. Its a satanic date for sacrifice. Thats why every year you get the mass shootings around this time. Those sick ****** who run the ATF and the FBI must be satanic ******

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