19 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Dinosaurs”

  1. While I agree with Bill on legalization of marijuana, he is wrong about the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. Turn to the book of Job 40:15-24 for a description. The Hebrew word “behemoth” literally means “monstrous/giant” and “tanniym” translates into “dragon/serpent.
    Sadly, Bill must of ran into the wrong people who didn’t know their Bible History.
    He can defend Atheism because that is his GOD given free will.
    It takes faith to be a either Christian or atheist.

  2. What did you look like in the early 90’s? Huh? yeah thats right. Shut the ***** up. Nice neon ******** shorts and purple shirt.

  3. Yes, God placed the dinosaur bones in the deep strata to test our faith.
    Shi is a sneaky, feckless ******. 😀

  4. Matt Damon is Channeling the ghost of BILL HICKS!!!

    Look up his opinion of Sarah Palin and the DINOSAUR ISSUE!!!

  5. Are you always prone to displaying your stupidity so prominently? Bill Hicks did this material over 15 years ago….he died in 1994 numbnuts! So obviously, Mr. Black, like that hack Dennis Leary, stole material from Bill.

  6. Let’s put this simply… Yes, to use the proper scientific terminology, evolution is a theory. So is relativity. So is all of medicine, all of physics, all of biology and chemistry. To throw out evolution because “it’s just a theory” means that we have to ditch nuclear power plants because those all work on the “theory” of atoms and nuclear fission. In science, “theory” basically means, “We’re pretty darn sure this is how this works.”

  7. Haha, God placed them there to test our faith:D
    They are mentioned in the bible… Job 40-42 and Psalm 74:13 It was you who split open the sea by your power;
    you broke the heads of the monster in the waters. – It even says that God killed it:)

  8. True it is a theory, but a theory is just a thesis that has be proven time and time again. It can still be possibly wrong, but despite Darwin “fudging” his evidence, current day scientists still have more recent evidence to prove his theory. Indeed, while true scientists can recognize and understand limitations, they also know when something is a good idea. The theory does a nice job of explaining how animals and people came to be.
    Out of curiosity, where do you stand on this whole thing?

  9. can someone tell me what is he trying to say i cant get it plsss tell me

  10. Yep. And if you go to the video of Matt Damon there’s a bunch of fundie comments saying, “what does her belief in how old the earth is have to do with being vice-president?” Idiots.

  11. I thinkGod put people on either side of this question here on earth to test MY faith!Each side has its morons.Many on either side lose credibility. Creationists with their exact time the earth was created based on a story for which the time frame is very vague,&morons onDarwin’s side who say evolution is a”fact”when it is in actuality a theory. Darwin also fudged “evidence” to support his theory. So did Gregor Mendel.True “scientists” recognize& understand the limitations. No need to use ” f “

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