7 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Edinburgh Festival”

  1. Edinburgh festival has the toughest crowds in the world. bare in mind they hold host to the worlds best comedians each year.

  2. The Edinburgh Festival comedy circuit is usually held in fairly small venues, so the crowd aren’t tough … just probably a small audience.

  3. This looks like one of those best of fest gigs where several comedians share a one hour show. The back shot looks a bit like the main stage at the assembly rooms. That is not a small venue or a small crowd. You have to go to the Tron for that. Anyway, one thing about those gigs is that they are on late and most people at them have some drink on board. Maybe they were feeling a bit challenged by Bill’s ‘I don’t drink’ content. I think that for a short show in a big venue it went pretty well.

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