22 thoughts on “Bill Hicks- Gays in the Military”

  1. Well, we need a military or else we’ll get our asses kicked. But the military gets WAAAAAAYYYY more funding than necessary. Also, the military mentality ,especially in America, is way to conservative. Since when did you have to be an uptight hypocrite to defend your country?

  2. Bill Hick is a genius! the military is not all bad but for most of the time is used for the wrong reasons! also i dont think he was making fun at *****. Anyway Bill Hicks = funny funny funny and is missed greatly we need more people like him, tell it how it is!

  3. Conservative? You consider American military bases in over 130 countries throughout the world, “conservative?”.

    “Abuse of power” only exists in the hands of a small group of individuals. The people of the countries don’t war with each other, only those at the top are in a power struggle and need minions to fight for them. No military = no power struggle, at least as far as it concerns the people of a nation.

  4. im ex forces hes kinna right,military took on a new enemy, terrorism, that kind of war goes a lot longer than communism,its a long peice of bull

  5. Wow…. you must make jesus proud. Get a haircut……and I like your glorified Swiss Army knife. Hope you had fun cutting your mommy and daddy’s shrubs. The future of America is right here with this douchebag.

  6. Skaterock, are you blind to the hypocricy that you are spewing from your mouth or do you just choose to ignore it?


  7. i do love my fellow man, but ******* are no better than murderers and rapists. i think its fine if there in the military, just put them in the front and deprive than of there equipment. FAGGOTS

  8. “uh, excuse me, aren’t you all *******’ hired killers?! SHUT UP!!”


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