31 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Gideons and the Easter Bunny”

  1. Bill Hicks was by far the best comic infidel ever! We need 10,000 more just like him.

  2. Most Christian holidays were made up to coincide with Pagan holidays so that Pagans were more easily converted. The reason we have Easter is because the Pagans believed in a Goddess named Estra who had a kindred ship with bunny rabbits who loved her so much they would bring her gifts of eggs and goodies. Yes, most Christian holidays are a rip-off. .

  3. Great vid, great comic… WTF is a lincon log, or whatever the goldfish was leaving? Either way, whatever it is, it sounds about as likely as the ‘real’ story of jesus.

  4. Lincoln logs are toys that are basically miniature logs that you use to build miniature log cabins or whatever. Think of it as a pre-cursor to Legos. I’m not sure how long they’ve been around (probably since the ’50s or ’60s). I know they were popular when I was growing up in the early ’80s. I assume they were named for Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin.

  5. well I agree! that’s the reason were here; to listen to bill! great comedian. If the stuff he made fun of years ago is still funny, think of the stuff he would have come up with now had he lived! I’d probably hurt from laughter!

  6. bill hicks was a legend

    its such a shame that he died…his comedy was years beyond his time

  7. what was the point of that 24 second intro? also why does it say YOU present this? you didnt do ***** but waste 24 seconds of everyones time. great bit, great album, but you ruined it.

  8. Actually, I’ve heard two stores about the eggs. One is that they’re are a symbol of fertility because in spring (newborn lambs etc).

    The other one is that the church banned egg comsumption during lent (don’t ask me why) until after easter.

    Chocolate eggs were a victorian invention to add an extra twist to the tradition.

    Anyway, I’m not complaining! lol

  9. yu tell em bill

    wtf does a chocolate giving rabbit have to do with celebrating a religious belief, unless that religious belief is as made up horse ***** as its little rabbit distraction, for the tiny minded easter lovers, heres some chocolate, shut the ***** up,

  10. 24 seconds! Holy *****! Why do youtube ‘producers’ need to put a ******** intro on everything?

  11. when I was a kid i loved those things, way better then legoes cause it translates into real life, unless you got the man power and money for those masive concrete Lego’s.

  12. haven’t seen this one yet. It’s been such a long time since I laughed like that. Thank you Bill

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