8 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Hooligans”

  1. I gotta admit this is pretty ***** Bill Hicks.

    Taking the piss out of the British? I mean come on. Too easy.

    This is not the Bill I remember.

  2. Bill isn’t talking about angry football hooligans y’all… and this is specifically in the context of the LA riots… it’s dated. Still funny, but dated. I’m sure he’d have something to say about your nice rough football riots too, if he had been around fro them. RIP Bill

  3. I know believe me… sounds stupid but some of those football hooligans are though **** mother fuckers… let’s just say i’d have the ***** kicked out of me if i ran in to one of them in a pist off mood… sure hooligan sounds funny but… that’s just what they’re called… i mean droogies sounds dumb too but Alex from “A Clockwork Orange” is scarier than any blood… Bloods are at least scared of breaking into why peoples houses… lol

  4. I like Bill Hicks but really speak english? It’s our language for christ sake, just because our crime isn’t fueled by guns dosen’t mean our crime is any less worse. Hooligans were renowned for their violence in the 1980’s. Only they had to make do with punch ups because guns aren’t legal in the UK. So I think if it was a fist fight the hooligans would win your gangs easy,

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