Bill Hicks RIPS the Official Version of the Kennedy assassination to pieces, IMAGINE what he could have done with the Official Version of the “False Flag” 9/11 Attacks and the subsequent “War OF Terror” waged by the Western Powers that was enabled by “The NEW Pearl Harbor”

26 thoughts on “Bill Hicks: “I’M SO GLAD WE ARE FREE””

  1. 1.15 PMSL!! it was because kennedy said what was that…? bill you crack me up everytime hahaha

  2. No, but it was in the interest of bankers, big oil, and United Fruit Corp. That caused this to happen. Freedom is an illusion. The person who is the most free is the guy pushing the shopping cart til the grocery store mgr. complains about lack of grocery carts. Then the fascist cops make him take out all his worldly possessions that he uses to survive and return the cart. Can you imagine how many fewer homeless there would be if the govt. didn’t tow cars with expired tags? Sleep in your car!!!!!

  3. I agree with below comment. Bill Hicks must have lived a sad life.

    Cynicism in moderation is what I say. He was a despicable human being.

  4. Yes, we need more people like Bill Hicks. Some Christians came to my door to ask what my “spiritual beliefs” are. I said: “That’s not important, but you people need to get off your knees and get into the streets by the millions and stop the war effort, feed and clothe and educate people.” Can you imagine millions of Christians demanding REAL change. It would happen in a day. So, spread the goddamn word. Get those hippocrites off their **** and off their praying knees!!!

  5. you’re kidding right? I think he lived an enjoyable life the only way he did, he put some heart into the words & things he talked about. That’s worth living for & for people like Hicks I believe it’s a good thing worth living for, I mean fuckit, he doesn’t have a boss doing what he did for a living. Putting a verbal stab at the heart of conservatory belief is something worth living for & doing… as a job it’s not half bad hahahaha, it didn’t stop him from anything man.

  6. Where’s the new breed?
    Why, it’s already in motion.
    = ] That’s right.
    We’re forming together a movement
    that’ll put an end to all this.
    It’s called the Zeitgeist Movement, and if anyone else is tired of all this bullshit, you’ll watch the Zeitgeist series, aswell as Zeitgeist; Orientation Presentation.
    WE as a public will build up a new world!
    Inform yourselves!

  7. Fires or fuel exploding do not bring down buildings. There are great big steel columns. You can come to my house, take everything I own, sell it all and buy airplane fuel, then go to a skyscraper and try to bring it down with fire alone. You CANNOT. I swear to you, its impossible. Trace elements of an explosive were found. Thermite.

    I’m giving up now because you are clearly too far gone and far too closed to even consider anything other than what the TV says. Dickhead.

  8. Bear in mind, science also constantly proves itself wrong. The mind however seeks affirmation & righteousness.

    Truth is one-sided, but belief if multi-faceted. If you’ve studied even the most basic math, you’ll realize how rarely people are actually right.

    Oh, and blaming an opponent’s ignorance on media control is denying yourself a good-foothold in what could have been a productive debate. You claim to use logic & reason, but you offer neither!

  9. well, the internet is starting to change that. plenty of people are starting to actually give a *****, but now one knows what to do about it, like a cow that suddenly wants to peel a banana…. it just seems impossible.

  10. WOW! HAHA Thanks for the idea, I think the next time they come to my door, I’ll not hide or shew them off. =)

  11. What a cute conspiracy theorist. I love this guy so much, he’s sometimes so brilliant, but he was one of many who allowed cynicism to overwhelm virtually everything he believed in, poor *******’ sucker, that stopped him from living an enjoyable life from birth till death.

  12. I will agree that zeitgeist does have some good general information (it’s meant to enliighten you and dig down deeper).

    but addendum must be watched with skepticism. If we were to adapt their proposed society tomorrow, who would control it all? who’s in charge?

    someone has to be and with power comes corruption. It’s not always human nature to be corrupt, but it sought after by those who want it and they will get it any way they can. SO be careful of who you’re listening too. So trust no one!

  13. I love this video. He truly attacks the indoctrination properties of television and the effects of it on the common people. I love it.

  14. People: watch Zeitgeist Addendum. Bill Hicks would support the Zeitgeist Movement 100%

  15. Yes, but you know, in order to create progress, you have to be rather hard-headed.

  16. “despicable”

    The only thing that has been determined is that you don’t understand what the above word means.

  17. Trust no one. What a bleak mantra…… Those who do not trust. Will never be trusted themselves…””Lao Tzu””

  18. yes they do…its kinda wierd how the only people who believe in this bullshit is people who have nothing to do with it….there are no architects or construction workers who believe in the 9 11 conspiracy. You only believe in it becuase you want to, its nothing but a religous belief that doesnt hold up to science….dickhead

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