Bill Hicks Interview BBC2 1992 http Sometimes fate shines on you. When searching through an old tape for unrelated footage, Goatherder found a BBC2 ‘mockumentary’ about how far it was acceptable to push the limits in comedy. It wasn’t very funny, but it did feature a short piece of Bill’s act with the shows hosts in the audience and, more importantly, an interview with the man himself. This was part of a strand of programs about comedy that BBC2 put out in 1992 called ‘Funny Business’. This particular …

11 thoughts on “Bill Hicks Interview BBC2 1992”

  1. I’m going to pretend I didn’t just read your comparison of a ******** intellectual legend, not too mention funny as ***** guy with a corporate ***** face like Alex Jones. Apples to a big pile of ***** man, you can’t compare the two. I’m even going to pretend I didn’t just type this comment… sorry for the confusion.

  2. I think Alex more represents Bill scorned, Bill arisen from the grave and out to get even with the demons left behind.

  3. “Could I recommend some jugglers you might like?!” – ******** legend!!

    Why Lord, why did you have to take Bill when we need him now more than ever?? You left a million and one talentless suckers of Satan’s ***** whilst calling home the voice of reason.

    WHY LORD???


  4. Ha ha you can hope!

    It comes across as real to me.

    Which series was this anyway me deary? Who else was featured?

  5. Bill was way cooler than Alex ever could hope to be. I would argue that Bill is smarter, simply because he would know his ***** ie all roads leading back to Rome. Alex refuses to go there. Alex also doesn’t cover anything outside the political arena, whereas Bill does.

    Bill is far more spiritual in his approach. Alex is quite square.

  6. i know ppl like u like to pretend, but heres a realtiy check moron: this is real life, u can chose what you want to believe like a retarded little kid in a superman outift. Also, Bill & Alex knew each other, both best freinds with Kev Booth. Alex J corporate? i guess your getting the AJ im talking about who is fighting the New World Order and the global crime syndicate confused with the multi-billionaire Alex Jones.

    but you can go back to pretending what ever you like and i’ll stick to reality.

  7. Whatever anyone says I’m pretty sure she’s being serious and endorsing lazy art. She does seem uppity and arrogant even though both the interviewers aren’t stupid; they’re just out of their league around Bill.

    Looks like a documentary not a mockumentary to me :¬ I

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