Bill Hicks – It’s Just A Ride

The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it’s real, because that’s how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round, and it has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored, and it’s very loud. And it’s fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they’ve begun to question, ‘Is this real, or is this just a ride?’, and other people have remembered, and they’ve come back to us and they …

21 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – It’s Just A Ride”

  1. We’re all made of energy slow vibrations we are all connected so we’re one together life is a ride because we project our reality and we’re here to have fun not to take life seriously and live unnaturally. Bill hicks was ahead of his time.

  2. I choose Love. =)

    Bill Hicks says this so beautifully in this show, it’s amazing. It’s so comforting, how he says it. I pass this on to all of my friends, and try as hard as I can to live by some of the wisdom he imparts here.

    Great stuff, I could watch it 50,000 times and it’ll still feel good when I hear the words.

    Much love,

  3. Latelyt I’ve noticed that every single TV show qualified as a hero is a hero to the status quo…a new perspective even after everything ive learnt there is always more…what a ride…

  4. It’s how you interpret it yourself mate. For me this life is fleeting. I believe in no afterlife, no purpose, we’re not special as many think we are. You need to enjoy it, and not take things too seriously because human existence is incomprehensible, and insanity awaits those who try to explain and understand everything. -contd….

  5. watch the ending of the truman show the most accurate example i could explain it but what fun would that be?

  6. i love bill hicks and zeitgeist. but it’s hard to know what to believe. the makers of zeitgeist, just like the government, could mix in any amount of lies with enough truth to make you believe it all. i just really don’t know what to believe.

    even the small parts of zeitgeist that focus on the federal reserve are hard to understand in depth if you do your own research.

  7. klaran commented,
    “bill hicks IS a revolutionary, a genius, a thinker ahead of his time. he challenged the status quo” ABSOLUTELY. But did that last part make Him too dangerous?

    {BILL certainly affirmed THE REALITY of Cult Leader “Jesus”, real name YEHOSHUAH bin YUSEF}

    I wonder if all are aware that Bill Hicks “died” from a fast-acting cancer, a type that can be deliberately induced by the see I told-you-so!

    IF BILL WAS MURDERED, then ‘they’ clearly FAILED to get rid of Him didn’t they?

  8. I’m not telling you how to live your life. I’m just saying, use your options.

  9. I think it’s what feels right to you.. regarding the what stuff to believe… if an “idea” or “theory” feels right to you, in your gut then I think that’s the one for you.. that’s just my opinon though.

  10. bill hicks IS a revolutionary, a genius, a thinker ahead of his time. he challenged the status quo, and provoked thought in people that are bombarded every day to do the exact opposite. it was his witty observations that made him such.

  11. Hmmm, trying to think of a decent metaphor without sounding like a noob.
    The wisdom in the pages of the book bares no grudge to the decor on the cover, for thats the gripe of the reader and his thoughts.
    An example being that, many people here in the UK unfairly despise Americans for believing they’re stupid, without even listening to what they say.
    I was desperately trying to inform any potential idiots, that just cos he has a cowboy hat on, doesn’t mean he’s going to ride a bull.

  12. Yeah, well he doesnt have to be called a “prophet” but he sure is a genius. How could you say he wasnt a genius? I dont think a “normal” person would inspire that many people including myself. Have you heard him talk about the 5 dried grams? “…no such thing as death…” come on, beyond genius and original. You have your unique opinion though, its all good :).

  13. I know it’s really hard, but don’t let organised religion, conflicts between faiths or the piety of hypocritical religious people put you off Jesus. He transcends all the ***** that happens on Earth. Religion shrinks God. He doens’t want perfection, Jesus came for the cripples, the plind, the poor…all the people no one else wanted to bother with. It’s still the same today. He wants to help every screwed up person stumbling around on this screwed up earth. Let him.

  14. Bombassa:
    Unfortunately I don’t see what ya mean and I am interested.

    “Peoples thoughts on anybody shouldn’t invalidate the words of that person, as its their perception that is altered.”

    Could you clarify this statement? -only if you don’t mind, of course.

  15. Yeah, we have lots of smart people over here, but it’s hard to have a straite head when we are lied to by the new, by the government, by our school books…It’s tough…Bill Hicks saw through all the smokescreens…that’s why I respect him.

  16. I don’t hink that “gut” is the thing you should follow.
    Many things might feel right if you just rely on your gut but when you actually think about it, it might not make a lot of sense.
    I think that religion relies largely on gut.
    People don’t really question their beliefs, the go with their gut feeling which is mostly based on the brainwashing they had as a child.
    Everytime they hear about Jesus etc. they have the good gut feeling and everything against it gives them a gut feeling of hatred.

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