28 thoughts on “Bill Hicks Manifesto for Counts Of The Netherworld”

  1. the end bit was a bit naa.. as Hicks said, perhaps it might have been better to have said we who can nudge them into beauty of just being ******** honest for once in their lives, knowing that it is ok to do so
    . it might even be the name of god to say the truth and admit you don’t know.
    and stfu about accepting Jeezush, we know already, maybe he should go recruit Mohamed instead, they could solve all the problems in the world in a sacred act of bum sex or something.

  2. Sorry, but the corporations do not run the world, but you were partially right about that. A few people run everything, including the corporations.

  3. Do tell me what Saddam taking over some country has to do with America.

    We are not the Global Police(TM).

  4. Agreed. Cigarettes have always been worse than pot smoke, but we need to address the claim of marijuana smoke directly instead of pointing the finger at cigarettes to invoke any real change.

  5. The time has come to air the voice of reason. In a world gone mad, adrift on banal seas. For all who feel that lies have had their season, and whose hearts cry out instead for honesty. For all the weary souls grown bored with dreaming; whose thirst for beauty and for knowledge goes unslaked. – Bill Hicks

    Part 1

  6. 400000 deaths from cigs and o from cannabis.
    and might i add u dont c people fighting for rights to use tabacco as a medicine.. u do for cannabis… they are liars… potheads represent a counterculture that media fears.. corporations control media… coporations control the products marketed and sold to u…
    hemp!!!!!!!!!! industrial hemp rocks

  7. conflict is NOT a part of the human condition…the same people funding our enemies are the same people funding you! Order out of chaos…the bankers give a country money for weaponry..than cause a false flag attack on the US…than off to war…don’t you see its all contrived? War is not mans nature! Love is just like all creatures. People have been led astray. Do what your heart says is right! Don’t let the world fool you!

  8. Here’s the major difference. Cigarette smoke contains ionized radiation, probably due to the fact they use insecticides in major tobacco fields. Both substances produce tar, but the difference is no one (except for Willy Nelson) is smoking more than 20 joints a day.

  9. £100 to the first man to give me another comedian who thinks like that…..
    Didnt think so.

  10. Bill addressed the gulf war and the ww, he mentionned it as being planned i.e. USA sold the weapons to those countries.
    He was portaying USA as Jack Palance saying PICK UP THE GUN to the smaller countries 🙂 And yes feeding, teaching and helping the poors from all over the world might diffuse a lot of issues and prevent some wars but its ture, not all of them…

  11. It’s spooky how Bill’s words are so relevant in these days. He got off the ride and he is probably laughing at us right now saying, “I told you guys!!!”
    Or he could be reincarnated. He’d be about 16 and probably tripping balls on shrooms and DMT. He’s still awesome to watch.

  12. Wow, you should check out Carlin.
    You may find he isnt as opposite as dimeuno said. All respect to points of view though.

  13. Wow. I had never heard this before today. Brought a tear to me eye. Hes got to have some book with poems in it somewhere! Have any of them ever leaked out?

  14. can someone give me this poem? Don’t understand everything, and i want to write a song based on this.. can someone help me out? just think it would be a nice idea, in the vain of bill, d’you know what i mean?

  15. Spend no money on defense….I noticed bill made fun of the first gulf war as well. So is he a complete pacifist? Just let saddam move in and take over whatever little country he wanted? What about world war 2? I would bet if people bill wanted to be president were always president, we wouldnt have the iraq war or probably the afghan war. But I think my other examples are decent. What to do about north korea? And our brave journalists theyve jailed and will probably kill

  16. yin/yang philosophy has not to do with the concept of ‘evil’ you tards.

    Try Jungs conception of the shadow self.
    You’ll both still be retarded.

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