19 thoughts on “Bill Hicks on Ronald Reagan”

  1. Just a question in between, do you have Sane Man with good audio full length? That would be aces

  2. Here is a fact dickhead. A lot of 401ks have disapeared because of the level of douchebaggery and rampant greed on wall street.

  3. he doesnt get reagan because he sucks balls and doesnt know right from wrong.. glad he is dead..

  4. But Obama had loose ties to the Black Panthers, which is a black nationalist group (racist). That didn’t stop the world bankers from planting him in office.

  5. we lost a true comedy legend, one of a kind and there will never be another like him, never. RIP Bill

  6. “Just answer a question like a man, you ******** lying b-actor dickwee- Mr. President, sir…”
    Imagine him still being around, that would have been great!

  7. this whole economic crisis shows how unfettered capitalism shatters lives-as per the ad homonim attack against Liberals it is under a liberal thesis of promoting democracy and statebuilding that your country has gone to war in Iraq and Afghanistan..as per Conservatism there are some good tenets like having sound money (getting rid of the fraudulent Federal Reserve) and having a limited foreign policy.

  8. No political party could remain so consistently wrong by accident.
    The only rational conclusion is that, despite their cynical “family values” propaganda, the Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy to betray the interests of the American people
    in favor of plutocratic and corporate interests, and absolutist religious groups.

  9. John kennedy dead, ghandi dead, jesus dead, john lennon dead. Bill Hicks dead, doesn’t seem out of place to me. Great great man

  10. Republican party still has a lot good points just need to find good people to represent them. I think Ron Paul would of been good if he hadn’t had those racist ties with him.

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