20 thoughts on “Bill Hicks on Smoking”

  1. yeah it was pancreatic cancer that killed him, sucks, smoking can higher your rate for it, but even if you do smoke most cases of pancreatic cancer don’t occur until your over 60 years old

  2. Also Ironic he had a routine about Terminally Ill people and how they should be used for special effects movies and killed and they would get to meet Chuck Noris.

  3. for bill, is still funny, this is the difference….cause it,s just a ride man…..

  4. I know two people who died of pancreatic cancer and neither of them smoked.

  5. ian wilson, you are a goddam moron. Bill hicks is jesus, if we consider how everyone is one consciousness. so dont be a duche

  6. take a look at the mirror and you’ll see an idiot!!!
    he died of pancreatic cancer that is related to smoking only to those that see an idiot when they look at the mirror!!!
    this is funny ***** Ian!!!

  7. shocking ….
    i never seen a better comedian !!!

    jim carrey is pure nonsense comparing to this, still funny but clown humor. this is…art
    like lenny bruce, the legend

  8. The question is would you rather live a life in which you do what you enjoy and die a painful early death, or live a long life in which you do things that make you miserable only to die old, enfeebled and witless while your heirs make decisions for you?

    There’s a middle ground there, but not much of one.

  9. jesus nailed in ******* cross trying to save our ****!
    Not so funny now jesus!?

  10. Died after having an absolute blast. He probably did more in those 32 years than you’ll ever do in your entire life.

    Sucks to be you, fuckface.

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