22 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Play From Your Fucking Heart”

  1. “I quoted this in my project for my english class for a project worth like 40% of my grade….I’m in 7th grade”

    I take my hat off to you, NobodysHero0!

  2. I’ve seen so much wrong with the world that I’ve gotten to the point where I’m numb to the pain it causes me and I’ve learned to laugh at its stupidity and how it’s soon going away.

    When he does the “A good clean country” with the hick accent and the stupid little skipping move with the Hitler salute I could not stop laughing for 10 minutes about that. Thinking about that line makes me laugh.

    Because again, I’m numb to it. It’s so true and ******** hilarious how insane this world is.

  3. one of the best satirists/blue comics/observers ever!
    those who don’t get him are the ones hes making fun of loll
    ***** em!!!!

  4. “Stick with your Dane Cook then” – as if Dane Cook is a bad comedian numbnuts…get off the bandwagon of every other loser who says that, youll be better off.

    and INSAN329 you have no idea what comedy is, or intellect for that matter and if you did you would appreciate Bill Hicks. But you don’t so…get away from this video and Bill Hicks altogether you ignorant little child, this stuff is too much for you to handle.

  5. I love Bill HIcks! But would you all agree, there’s a problem in my life when listening to Bill Hicks is uplifting.

  6. Its because its an insane ******** message. Laughing would be inappropriate for this clip, moron. The majority of the people laughing in the audience do it because theyre uncomfortable.

    Instead of smashing people on youtube go ******** kill yourself. Honestly, put a gun to your ******** head and pull. You’d only be making humanity better you non contributing zero.

  7. What are those dumbasses laughing about?
    They had no idea what they were supposed to do, so they laughed… Dont laugh at the truth

  8. first time I watched this
    I stop to do anything for about 5 minutes
    thinking about what he said

  9. yes, most people laugh because they dont know that he’s actually serious at times – like he is here. but it is a comedy show, soand he does say that he’s available for children’s parties 😉 so can you really blame them?

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