24 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Pro life & People who hate people – Rant in E-Minor”

  1. Bill Hicks is a very funny man – it’s too bad that he’s dead wrong.

    My wife and I had an abortion 15 years ago and have since realized what’s wrong with it.

    We are the Pro-Life activists that he hates and we’ve been 100% misrepresented by the media because our world loves death.

    “You’re not a human until you’re in my phone book” he says.

    What a great world this is that we’re creating.

  2. we wrote the good book. nobody found it, sent from good. its the crazy religious that just make life unbearable. what happened to the good morals, when daddies beat their children and drank and women weren’t allowed to vote?

  3. yeah yeah that is all you people mention…that is not what christianity is about. And man didnt invent the bible. it is full of prophecies one cannot explain away.

  4. Regardless of what you may think; Hicks provoked more intelligent discussion in his life, than the entire MENSA organization staging a sit in at the Vatican.
    And for that bravery, he deserves our respect and admiration. He wasn’t just out to get some cheap laughs!!

  5. They who preacheth are not constrained to abideth by their own teachings, doncha know.

    I love how people that judge others based on how they interpret something like the Bible claim it is above all scrutiny. If Christianity isn’t also about condemning those who don’t agree with you then it shouldn’t be in that book in the first place. You can’t embrace the good and ignore the evil aspects of a religion.

  6. So the crusades were about what then? The quotation is also a logical fallacy. Who sheds the blood of the former who hath sheddeth blood already? Surely not God, as he is a forgiving god. Why do I bother anyway, you’re brainwashed and have no chance in life.

  7. are you insane what about the man you hypocritical nut! its nothing to do with the father at all then?

  8. “You’re not a human until you’re in my phone book” haha, miss you Hicks!

  9. “people like you should not be allowed to live if you deny that right to others”

    What cyclic irony.

  10. you are wrong *****. there is no god. there is no king. there is no judgement. there is no ramifications. abortion is choice merely enacted. choice, which america is so happily touted as the land of liberty, that you should support. life is about choice. and so it will always be a choice. in case you didn’t get the theme of the rant. THE ******** ISSUE WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A CHOICE.

  11. Do you actually look online for things to get angry at and vomit the Bible that was written by people? Good. I am so glad you live in a cloud.

  12. How the universe came into be…. is beyond our knowing. We have evidence that it came from a singularity, due to its expansion, homogeneity, and isotropic nature (this is still disputed, but there is evidence). Science still does not know a lot, I’ll be the first to admit. But Christians, especially creationists, tend to fill God into this lack of knowledge. It’s called God of the Gaps, and it’s ridiculous.

  13. Not all religions do that. Saying that religion does that does point fingers at some that don’t deserve it. The two big C’s (Catholicism and Christianity) most definitely do. So I’ll agree with ya on those ones. But ones such as Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism, do nothing of the sort. They may not be followed by billions of people, but they’re still religion.

  14. That’s a great summary of what Hicks was all about, I wish I could vote you up twice. Sometimes people like you outweigh the ******** moutbreathing retards that 96% of youtube consists of.

  15. Religion creates a cycle of guilt in people by codemning natrual inclincations, therefore trapping people in a system of punishment, salvation and afterlife. Its a pile of ***** and its time to wake up.

  16. point of order , abortion is not murder it is a legal choice made by a woman , which actually has absolutely nothing to do with you , if you get pregnant then you can make the choice — GET IT?? . spouting murder and contradictions , who are you to involve yourself so closely in someones legitimate choices . stay on your side of the fence .

  17. he wasnt being threating… a voice expressing HIS beliefs..are YOU not meant to be the er more enlightened and NON JUDGEMENTAL…you open your heart and hey you HEAR?.. GOD speaks to you does he not?….then GUIDE the LOST!!!…as his son turned his cheeck time n time again and remember his life was taken for YOUR sins…he never passed judgement as YOU are….do you even understand your own belief system?…oo but repent n all is forgiven?

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