21 thoughts on “Bill Hicks – Rush Limbaugh”

  1. Bill is dead.
    Rush is a millionaire.

    And, that concludes the lesson of the day.

  2. Looks like god thought Bill Hicks was the one to take 🙂

    Not missed.

  3. Bill is no longer need on earth, but he will be remembered. A true Saint!

  4. Rush Limbaugh is GOD. not the sweet and forgiving one from the past 2000 years but the one from the old testament, that god was a real prick.

  5. RUSH/PALIN could be the Republican DREAM TEAM in 2012. Nothing would serve this country better. This great nation would have the opportunity to see the most evolved and brightest members of the Grand Old Party.Their unique abilities to express the position of the Right would act as a becon of light to the American people. When the American people realize the light is an oncoming train loaded wiyh ignorance and fear, they will, as in 2008, vote this party of dangerous dinosaurs into oblivion.

  6. I DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE SAID.. but i will defend to the death your right to say it.

    * a vet of an afghan war *

  7. “Regardless of the target, you just plain don’t talk like that. ”

    In America we have the freedom of speech and that certainly includes Comedy. Frankly, I find it kinda funny you take the time listening to his rant and go to all the effort to post a reply. Where do you think support comes from??! If people don’t listen, there isnt a fan base. So, if you don’t like it, turn it off and listen to some Limbaugh… He doesnt require anyone to think for themselves. He prefers to do it for them.

  8. Contradicts freedom of speech to deny him the right to say all this, then let his targets get away with their obviously biased attacks on anyone with sensibilities contradicting them in turn…
    messy messy partisan politics.

  9. you know what i hope- that he gets cancer, takes kemo, & while on kemo, he smokes some marijuana (not even medical grade) & a pic gets out like Phelps and he loses his career because of it- that sounds like I need to pray for that.

  10. “speaking of satan, i was watching rush Limbaugh the other day”

    bill hicks was the best

  11. He didnt see into the future, Limbaugh has just been a massive shithead for a long time.

  12. This Bill Hicks guy is unbelievably despicable. Regardless of the target, you just plain don’t talk like that.

  13. Rush/Palin? you need to spend some time in Bellevue, my incest condoning friend.

  14. nobleOrdos there is no lesson for stupidity. Rush is a media terrorist. all rush and his friends want to do is kill women and children for big corporations. look at the big picture.

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