11 thoughts on “Bill Hicks Skewers Pro-Lifers”

  1. you’re the kinda people bill would have on Shoot the Moron, we’d release you in a field and then for 12 episodes chase and ultimately kill you why because you’re mother didn’t love you and you’re the cancer of society

    someones gotta stick up for dead people that can’t defend themselves

  2. you didnt choose to be a staunch square you just are. there are devout squares who would pay to listen to your drivel

  3. I thought he was an Atheist, he just says things so theist can relate to it and not get angry at him. After all he was a entertainer.

  4. The way he says “it’ll ***** up the economy” at 2:38 is absolutely hysterical.

  5. Well, he did say he was tripping. In another bit he talks about how aliens abducted him and explained to him that “we are all one consciousness”. I don’t think this implies he believes in aliens, nor that he was appealing to an audience that believes in aliens. If anything he’s saying that both aliens and God are hallucinations of the intoxicated or delusional man.

  6. a pro lifer killed a doctor just a few days ago lol. Were pro life but if you dont agree with us well kill you!!!!! Oh, and were also pro war.

  7. Pity the bittersweet irony of him talking about fun-damn-menalist loons murdering people, what, 16 years ago, is still pertinent.


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