27 thoughts on “Bill Hicks talks about mushrooms and tripping”

  1. Thats true man… Mushrooms would be bad to economy, which is already fake anyway. Thats why its illegal, Makes people see things with transperancy, like an antidote for government manipulation..
    Hence the Goverments Billionair investiment to war on drugs

  2. If it’s Copelandia Cyanescens; 5 dried grams give you one hell of a trip. NOT for beginners.

    Google Erowid for information about the drug, have a nice trip. You can NOT overdose on it, you can have an unpleasant experience if not prepared though.

  3. One thing I guess Bill Hicks is is an individual who is passionate about his beliefs, in which he seems to contradict himself on a few occasions. He seems very effective at conveying his message across to an audience, if you and dont mind having Bills foot on your throat when he performs his sermon from the pulpit (so to speak).

  4. Do some research on higher consciousness and “third eye” / then you might get this joke.

  5. of course below we have that one prick who thinks hes the ******* man for taking so many drugs that he has to down bill hicks for not taking enough shrooms…what a *****

  6. how do they know that dmt is released into your brain when you’re diying? did they hook up some sort of machine to a dying man to find out? lol

  7. hahaha word.. just in case you misinterpreted bill hicks use of the word “god” though, im pretty sure he wasn’t talkin about a diety.. im pretty damn sure hicks appreciated darwin and was basically “atheist” (+ mysticism influenced ideas of metaphysics??), as it seems like you are.

  8. Gotta give it to Carlin he had a definite message but he conveyed it in a comedic way so he had people laughing and thinking at the same time loved Bill but I feel sorry for him too completely unappreciated in his time America’s black sheep while the rest of the world loved him I suppose that matters more but still the land of the free seems more stuffy than many others countries when you think about it anything different shunned while anything on TV is God he got fucked man.

  9. they dont know this, this has always been a theory, most people think its a fact, but its not, but it seems plausible because the near death experience is very similar to the DMT experince. So it seems like a good theory.

  10. spiritural eye. its accually a glan in your brain.. reptiles accually have a corna and a rectour in it. and it realises DMT which helps you dream and its realised when you die aswell. thats why its called your third eye

  11. yeah I agree- his incredibly strong beliefs actually are in contrast to his belief of people’s own views.

  12. Its actually the Pineal gland which is in a different part of the brain than the pituitary gland. The pineal produces Melatonin , while the pituitary produces a growth hormone. They might be related to each other but not to my knowledge. Also, to my knowledge, there’s still no hard facts that support the production of DMT by the pineal gland. Its still a theory which Rick Strassman presents. They’ve also found large doses of DMT within the lungs and blood and not just the brain.

  13. How is 5 dried gram a heroic dose? I took just over grams, plus some amanita muscaria’s and had a great time….5 grams is interesting, but 10 is where its at:>

  14. Yea man I smoked some melatonoin once man. I found myself one with Darwin and realised life is a ******! One day I am going to turn into something else. Darwin damn! what will I become? I think I need to snort some DMT to find out!

  15. I miss Bill,he never sold out,not Even George Carlin touches Bill in some ways,being 13 yrs old in 1989 when I first saw Bill,I instantly became a fan ,and from that time till he died in 1994 ,he was and still is my favorite ,

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