Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life

This is totally profound but TRUE, heard it many years ago, but the full implications only hit me the other day. Sheer Genius, and sadly missed. Bill doesn’t go down well with a lot of Christian Folk(Right Wing) but for me he epitomises the whole Christian view on life, common sense, look through the traditions and see the essence of what life is and what it COULD be.

29 thoughts on “Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life”

  1. I havent written this to give you some happy clappy picture of Christianity. Nor have I come to spout hell, fire and damnation. I dont want to patronise anyone by saying that following God makes all your problems go away. It doesnt. But it does make all the tough moments in life a lot easier to come through.Here are some of my favourite verses; I hope that you will take a moment to look them up – you may be surprised.
    Ecclesiastes 2, Isaiah 40V31,
    I Peter Ch5 v 7

  2. bill hicks is the modern incarnation of jesus. those with open, rational minds are able to see this and live his message through his words, which were often delivered with true wit and genius to make them ever more poignant. most christians and close-minded, religious types, however, sadly are too stuck in their blind ways to realize this fact. embrace bill hicks and his message and embrace true wisdom and enlightenment.

  3. 12 FACTS

    1. Your reading my comment
    2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
    4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
    5. Your checking it now.
    6. Your smiling.
    7. Your still reading my comment.
    8. You know all you have read is true.
    10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.
    11. Your checking it now.
    12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts

    Copy and paste to 1 video, tomorrow will be your best day ever! no matter what

  4. I ponder daily what is the meaning of existence to the point that people call me crazy but what is crazy

  5. 9/11, Prop 8, Obama and how everyone think he is superman, The Internet, Iraq Conflict (A war is when TWO armies are fighting), The Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, The Scary Movie Films

    I can just imagine talking to him on the other side and telling him whats happened since he left, and him just freaking out about it

    We need his voice of reason now more than ever

  6. Do you know who Horus is? The “Sun God” of egypt… Jesus shares almost every same aspect of Horus… You seem like a very smart person and not close minded you should watch Zeitgeist, don’t dismiss what I say please… just type it in and watch the first 5mins of it, if ya not hooked then don’t watch. Peace Tom.

  7. He’s only special to a general audience, they’re usually prematurely balding, like twinkie porn, and believe the world is ending in 2012

  8. Zeitgeist, a good watch. Need to go through and fact check many things from it. The religious parts didn’t care much for. Religion is a personal choice and I think tolerance is key. If you are agnostic, atheist, catholic, jewish, muslim, whatever… what matters is practicing your religion in PEACE and in TOLERANCE. Speaking of peace, I wish you all that very thing. -E

  9. change(.)org/ideas/116/view_action/legalize_marijuana

    sign this petition to legalize cannabis!

  10. Word. Some may argue religion (or any other identity be it race or region) are intrinsically bad things because of how we justify behavior upon them. The reality is they are all catalysts for any number of human evil, but no system should ever dictate personal liberty…in which case no system can be the sole proprietor in suffering. In this manner, religion is only a layer, which unmasked, relies on the infringement or embrace on liberty.

  11. the whole christian view on life? no, he doesn’t epitomize your ******** close-minded, muslim murdering religion…at all…***** religion and your beliefs, because there’s no point in believing something that only the dead know. (or don’t)

  12. If you live in Indianapolis and if you are tired of sitting in-front of a computer screen, then contact me. I am starting a civil rights group. We will fight. We will win. We will not falter. “think globally, act locally.”

  13. Meaning is a human and subjective thing. Existence can have a lot of meaning to you, and none at all for me.

  14. anyone else notice how comedians and people like him are becoming less and less.

  15. It’s sad to me that when someone speaks likes this we are so taken by it, not to say that I’m not glade that these people are there to help us all.

    But it saddens me that we are so blind that we see someone like this as unique (Which he was only one Bill Hicks),but what I mean is that this type of thinking is so “radical” to us that we perceive it as special when we should have long ago thought like this and abandoned any notion of being better of superior to others we don’t even know ourselves

  16. I dont see anything in this video a Christian could go against, as the explanation says.

  17. so whats the point?
    everyone has a different view about ‘stuff’
    why is this guy so special?

  18. free thinkers of the world come to perfection(.)niceboard(.)net to meet and discuss a variety of topics with other free thinkers

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