23 thoughts on “Bill Hicks-You Drunk Bitch!”

  1. Not cool.
    I love Bill and I completely understand his frustration, but. . . that was out of hand.
    He realized it, though, and reeled it in, apologized (not to that woman, which I wouldn’t expect) in his way.

  2. You tell her Bill!!! Somebody should have killed that ******** *****! God I hate drunk ********! R.I.P Bill Hicks.

  3. HAHAHAHA bill hicks is great!!!!!!!!!!!!! “i want you to go find a soul” brilliant

  4. I don’t know if you’ve seen the whole show. I saw it first in clips like this and thought the same as you do, that he was over the top and had to recover.

    After watching the entire show I thought the crowd was pretty antagonistic from the start and that this outburst helped to keep things going. He improvised a couple of amazing rants , and they respected him for it.

    This recovery (“Sorry I had to let you see that”) is one of the best recoveries I’ve ever seen in comedy. True genius.

  5. you know I wanted to leave a comment for that guy that said Bill ripped off leary but then I noticed it was 4 monthes ago… so… I wont bring up old bullshit…. buuuuut… if I were, Id say “well if thats true why doesnt leary have have such devout fans, and has a band ever (practically) dedicated an album in HIS memory…?” I mean, I thought it was at least mentioning to you. Ya know? heh

  6. Another example of Bill tellin the truth!
    Dam i wish i had the oppertunity to see Bill perform.

  7. Actually i think she deserved it. One thing is to not like the performer another is to yell at them for being lousy ( which is definitely not the case in bill hicks situation ). Plus its ******** true! Drunk ******** think they run *****.

  8. Why is it that this man died at 32? The world needs him now more then ever. The bullshit, hypocrisy and overall downfall of our world are becoming more apparent, and we have to suffer through it without his incredible commentary.

    A great and hilarious man.

  9. Too bad Bill didn’t use bear mace on that dumb, loud mouth *****.

    The audience was near out of control from the get go, and I ******** HATE sitting next to some drunk ****-shat screaming out non amusing things, like “You suck!”

    Actually the whole rant sums up what heckler losers think, I payed my money can yell at the performer. How fun for the rest of us who want to hear the show.

  10. I just love Bill.
    I feel alone as mediocracy spawns everywhere.

    Bill i feel we were always buddies.

    the hardest thing in life is for someone to be totally honest with themselves let alone someone else.

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