Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 1/6:End of A Republic !!

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.

23 thoughts on “Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 1/6:End of A Republic !!”

  1. Do you have any proof it does not exist?
    Do you honestly believe that Obama runs the US, he cant evan talk without a teleprompter! He is a sales man, he there to sell you an agenda, the real people who pull the strings are in the shadows

  2. executive orders kinda makes a mockery of democracy and the constitution doesnt it?

  3. mrhighroller,

    Apparently you believe in conspiracies too. You believe in the official 9/11 Gov. Conspiracy, which has a million holes in it….lol

  4. I know he has M8, I was taking the piss out of Dino’s comment. I think David Icke has some valuable information and he seems to have got it right so far..

  5. the illuminati started in 1776 never ceased to exist at anytime,

    Fritz Springmier 13 bloodlines Of The illuminati

    read that book, thats the last im gonna say

  6. We need Ron Paul to issue a health care bill so that we can get it out there like HR1207

  7. if 99% of the people that follow you tube videos were told by a youtube video that sucking llama ***** cures cancer they would all go buy themselves llamas.

    they are like sheep with these damm videos “facts” and with blindly following Curious George up in Washington as well.

  8. The same gun boat diplomacy used on south America by USA ,the same tactics they used on the American Indians. Is now going to be used
    on every American.
    They are coming to eviscerate you .

  9. true they want usa they want our nation and we are under attack from within. they took out our twintower money center so we would go bankrupt.. they are trying to take our nation steal all the gold and control all major sites from within so we could never take back our freedom.this is where it hurts because in 5yrs what do you guys see more Laws or not?Higher prices or not?more people to get sick?u.s. will start more wars?hmm usaid it….god speed

  10. if there ever will be a tyranical nwo the prime culprit is alex jones himself – ever heard of dark self-fulfilling prophecy and barnays rubber stamps?

    and what jones does is not “infowars”, its infotainment and televangelism, the hard “info” of a day of his radio act would fit on a post-it note

  11. The Aspen Institute is a front for the Ford Foundation & the Rockefeller brothers. All hail global government.

  12. Read “Gods of Eden” by William Bramley while you are at it. Oh- and David Icke’s “And the Truth Shall Set You Free”.

  13. whats with Bob Chapman’s voice? his pix looks much younger as his voice does. is this really Bob speaking?

  14. Just listened to Alex on the new Fed powers…We are fucked….I guess the revolution is not going to even start, so it is over for America….I guess the sheeple get their change / slavery……

  15. Great are you giving away tickets out of this facist pit you call the USA?

    If you are so in love with what you and all americans have allowed your evil government to do to this great country then by all means stay and worship your new puppet leader Obama and eat up your brain washing TV and fake media.

  16. you need to wake up and look at the facts. I am retired Army Engineer and I know explosives and how buildings react to implosions, and buddy theres no way it would come st8 down like that. Drink that Kool aid you smurf

  17. the dude is forging a full spectrum front against the biggest fascist coup ever attempted… from his mothers basement? recognize a hero when you see one.

  18. high roller is a DUMBASS.. .******** SMURF agent… yea i said it.. come say your ***** to me or any of alex’s fans.. you wasnt even worth the POST, but i posted, just to KEEP YOUR **** IN LINE.. wake up *******… flouride drinking zombie!

  19. Ahhh man this is that dumb **** alex jones AGAIN???? this guys got a new conspiracy every week….. This guy is the TRUE SCAM ARTIST … lol its funny cause all his followers think the government is the bad one and in reality hes the bad one…Who ever thinks 911 was done by the USA needs to be KILLED for being so dumb .. WHY dosent Alex jones and all his zombie followers move OUT OF THE USA… O wait they wont cause they are a bunch of punks who like to run there mouth and SCAM PEOPLE

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