Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 3/6:End of A Republic !!

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.

19 thoughts on “Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 3/6:End of A Republic !!”

  1. Have you heard of Benjemin Fulford?, He Claimed that an Asian secret society was going to bump of 10,000 of the so-called “Elite”.
    It has ot meterialised though…

  2. the truth of the matter is when the people ever do rise up it will be well beyond the American troops.
    the common wealth troops will arrive and from that point forward Americans will be gutted wholesale.
    The fact is that The Queen owns the FED and you will pay her before you get to eat.
    that’s why they gutted looted and raped 13 trillion from the American people the money you owed the Queen.That’s why America looks like it was bombed out. and why you will be in the NAU very soon

  3. uncle satan standing over you with one hand out and the other dangling a nuke over your head if you dont pay up.

  4. Damn, Alex, Strike those coins at Silver 999 percent content. Marked and sovereign. That wil fund your operation as well.

  5. Hah we should use our own form of currency and leave the federal reserve with their useless paper and money printed from thin air. I vote for using gold coins with the Easter bunny printed on the front : )

  6. haul it in here before were hung out to dry… “The end for them is at the end of a rope”

  7. Same as when the Ron Paul revolution became too powerful they pulled Obama out of the hat and created this fake grassroot internet bank sponsored thing.
    Now as the “Audit the Fed” bill becomes too powerful they pull the iron fist out of the hat.

    Power to the people!
    Ron Paul 2012

  8. i wish we had a ron paul in the UK,the ********* over here are getting away with ******** anything they want to without anybody having the courage of ron paul ,your very lucky to have him so support him all you can

  9. the mark of the beast system been here a long time now, certain items are too expensive to buy unless you accept the mark. you can not sell independently because of trading standards. this is actually it, the 666 system. just he chips now after an emergency.

  10. you have the one guy daniel hannon. thats the only guy ive heard of in britian.

  11. Ron Paul will be too old to be the President, but he can be in the cabinet.
    We should really push Marcy Kaptur and/or Dennis Kucinich.
    They are advocates of his. They constantly attack the FED and the elists. Look it up. 2012. Lets start now.

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