Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 6/6:End of A Republic !!

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.

13 thoughts on “Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 6/6:End of A Republic !!”

  1. land of the free, home of the brave, we refuse to be your new world order slaves

  2. as a german i feel fooled. i ve learned how they set up the nazi regime for years in school and know i see exactly the same in the USA and nobody sees it because they watch obama killing flys or playing with the dog on tv. Its like a horror dream and you cant wake up. Its not USA anymore its USF united states of the FED

  3. Alex and Bob decided a long time ago that they would be force for good,isnt it about time we made that choice and stopped being seduced by Evil

  4. When was the last mass march that changed anything? If there were 2 million people on DC that would be something, but you can barely get a million for the war, and I cant remember anything bigger than that since the 60’s. Maybe he knows what he’s doing? Maybe he’s CIA? I’m not sure, but I am sure about 911, and here I am.

  5. He hasnt got the balls to do anything that big…he’s all talk and no political action

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