Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/4:Something Wicked This Way Comes

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.

7 thoughts on “Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/4:Something Wicked This Way Comes”

  1. Profits come from Supply and Demand, limited supply means more demand, which equals $.

    There is not an Infinite Supply, and we’ve been burning through it at an Exponential Rate. Why do you think America is willing to risk so much to constantly go to War for that limited Oil?

  2. From before and to this day 27th April 2009 this is now official. I am the Son of my Father Almighty Powerful Lord God Creator Kadhigher, Jesus Christ 2000 returned 21st century style as like a thief in the night a safe distance from you this second time around to deliver all from all that is evil death on a yes for all from anointed top man earth PM on my land of David England. I have come from the top of Heaven Sanjus to the bottom of heaven earth, and your answer is the same as the first no

  3. All the major “American” companies are Zionist Illuminati companies, GM, Chrysler, Dodge, just look at their logos.
    I predicted a while back that these companies and their Jewish owners would be leaving for China and Europe, sure enough they are abandoning the US, the civil wars and martial law is coming next, revolutionary militias should know who the enemy is.

  4. My friend we are so far away from running out of oil. You have been told from this gov. system just what they want you to hear. We are sitting on a sea of OIL. How else would they make these Huge Profits?

  5. Maybe if you were more specific, and didn’t use the word “every”, I may agree with you. Simplified ten fold, “there would not be separate countries in the world if “uprisings” were ineffective”. How many years are you looking back at, because I’m thinking in the thousands?

  6. The word “every”, was the correct word to use, if you don’t know what I know then theres no point in having a debate

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