Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/4:Something Wicked This Way Comes

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.

10 thoughts on “Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/4:Something Wicked This Way Comes”

  1. google: george patton assassination. Fascinating! It took three tries, but the OSS and the Russians killed Patton. So, why wouldn’t couldn’t the CIA assassinate JFK?

  2. I agree, its totally coming from the opposite direction they claimed it came from.

  3. Anymore, people ask: “What are you hiding?”

    And saying, “My Privacy” is an act of SUSPICION.

    Nazis have been in control since 1984

  4. I thought the video showin the driver putting one of the slugs in his head was evidence enough.

  5. leballin05,

    If this is your opinion of alex…why are you watching his radio show on youtube? You must have a lot of time on your hands.

  6. The guns will be rounded up soon,and the army will move on anyone who stands up.
    Once the guns are taken you will be subjected to
    Communism 101

  7. Why are the critics so afraid to think that Alex can not tell a difference between the read in between the lines. I really think that the ***** is going down, and it will go down fast. Every time societies upgrade, improve and advance in technology, common sense will tell you that the elite will want to murder as many people as possible due to the fact that “THERE IS NO MORE USE FOR YOU” mentality of these devils in control of political and economical institutions.

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