Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show 2/4:The Great Bank Heist of 2009

regular guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster. WHO IS BOB CHAPMAN? Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the US Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the …

18 thoughts on “Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show 2/4:The Great Bank Heist of 2009”

  1. Treasonous pigs nwo neocon scum!!!!!!! A QUICK TRIAL AND HANG THE MONSTERS!!!!!!

  2. they drained his blood because he was sick. They thought if they got the bad blood out he would be cured, but instead it killed him because of massive blood loss.

  3. The lust for power is the most dangerous addiction facing humanity. The entire system has to change from top to bottom to keep power from centralizing. There will ALWAYS be some A-hole seeking power and domination over everyone else.
    The only thing I can come up with is that no government or institution can be allowed to get too big because of the danger of abuse of power.

  4. These Evil Bankers / Money Changers have been practicing the Dark Art of Usury for Thousands of years, Creating Money from NO-THING through Interest.

    We were warned over and over again, throughout History, and we chose not to listen.

  5. Is this the part of Revelations where,”THE BEAST gets a wound on one of its heads”?If we audit the fed we’re making a direct assault on,”THE BEAST”,and we could also expect it would be treated by elites as an attack!What does it mean?Hopefully we don’t play the game,and the trillion airs,hell even the slightly less ultra rich devils get lynched!By an international court of all their victims!Like refugees,and survivors of genocide!However,I bet the S.O.B.s get away with it!Faith withstanding!!!!

  6. I thank making a video on how the elite manipulate the public would be a great idea. Once you know how a trick is done, it can’t fool you again.

  7. I’m surprised that, since Alex doesn’t believe anything can possibly happen for the said reason, how Alex hasn’t demonized Ron Paul as an agent provocateur or the like. Of course this latest shooting in the South cannot conceivably happen for the official reason. Alex is already calling it a ‘staged shooting.’ Really? It was rather unsuccessful.

  8. It cant be stopped. Not even one aspect of what’s to come.

    plan b, psy-op c, this schill, that hero, but……..
    sorry Globalists, but we have accounted the possibilies. This time eyes watch your moves so closely and with such scrutiny…… minds are we.

  9. keep up the good work alex-from the UK we need you exposing these thieving ********* just as much as they do in the US,this is a world-wide con job by the bankers

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