BOMBSHELL McCain Played Instrumental Role in ‘SETTING UP’ Trump

BOMBSHELL: McCain Played Instrumental Role in ‘SETTING UP’ Trump

A new report out exposes more of McCain’s fingerprints on the “set up” job against Donald Trump.

Not only has McCain PROUDLY announced that he handed off the phony and debunked dossier to the FBI, but now it appears that he played an instrumental role in the “set up” President Trump.
If true, John McCain is one of the biggest traitors of our time and an enemy of “we the people.”

NEW YORK — In recently released testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, a key participant at the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. admits to being present at the same security conference in Canada where Sen. John McCain was reportedly first informed about the anti-Trump dossier.

Russian-born Washington lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin says he might have spoken to McCain and the senator’s assistant David J. Kramer at the Halifax International Security Forum in 2016. However, Akhmetshin claimed that he did not discuss the dossier with McCain or Kramer, and that he didn’t know about the existence of the controversial dossier.

The information raises immediate questions about the possibility of dirty tricks in arranging the infamous Trump Tower meeting. This considering a recent Breitbart News report that email transcripts and other information disclosed in Akhmetshin’s testimony reveal a significant relationship between the lobbyist and the controversial Fusion GPS firm that produced the infamous, largely discredited anti-Trump dossier.

It was at the security conference in Canada in November 2016 that McCain says he was approached by Sir Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador to Moscow and friend of ex-British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier.

Wood briefed McCain and Kramer, a former State Department official and longtime McCain associate who agreed to meet Steele in London for a fuller briefing on the dossier contents.

The Washington Post reported in February that after meeting with Steele, Kramer went to Washington and received the dossier document directly from Fusion GPS. McCain then passed the dossier to FBI Director James Comey.

In a New York Times oped in January, GPS co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritch wrote that they helped McCain share their anti-Trump dossier with the Obama-era intelligence community via an unnamed “emissary.”

In testimony reviewed in full by this reporter, Akhmetsin describes attending the Halifax security conference in 2016, but claimed he played no role in the contact where Wood connected with McCain and Kramer to inform them of the dossier’s existence. Ahmetshin also claimed he was not aware of the dossier at the time.
Akhmetshin said he “might” have “said hi” to McCain but could not say for sure. In other words, Akhmetshin is claiming he is not certain whether he spoke to one of the most famous American politicians, something that would seemingly be quite memorable to most people.

The Russian lobbyist also said he “might have spoken with” Kramer but would not give a definitive answer.

Here is the section of the transcript in which Akhmetshin discusses his possible interactions with McCain and Kramer at the same conference where McCain was briefed on the dossier claims:

Q. Did you have any contact with Sir Andrew Wood during the 2016 Halifax International?

A. I did not talk to him.

Q. What about Senator McCain?

A. I might have said hi to him. I know him personally.

Q. You know him personally?

A. Yeah.

Q. What about David Kramer?

A. I also know him well. I might have spoken with him.

Q. Did you discuss the dossier with Senator McCain or David Kramer?

A. I wasn’t aware of existence of dossier.

Q. You weren’t aware of –

A. I was not aware of the existence of the dossier at that time

Later in the testimony, Akhmetshin briefly elaborates on his stated previous relationship with McCain.

“I knew Senator McCain when he was running years ago because I had friends who were — did advance work for him,” Akmetshin said, referring to McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Akhmetshin was one of the participants at the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign officials.