BOOM! Check Out What President Trump Said At NRA Convention! Liberals FURIOUS!
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While speaking to the NRA convention on May 4, President Trump made clear that trusting the people with guns is part of trusting them with freedom.
Trump commented on freedom and his enduring trust in American citizens in the portion of the speech in which he addressed arming teachers to protect students, Breitbart reported.
“We support the Second Amendment, not only because we believe in freedom, but also because we trust in everyday, talented, wonderful people … And by the way, these teachers, they love their students. And they are not going to let anybody hurt their students. But you have to give them a chance.”
President Trump then changed gears and talked about firearms and pointed out that owning a firearm and being armed is American.
“In America we trust the people to be wise and to be good. We trust them to take responsibility for themselves, their families, and their communities. And that is why in America we have always trusted the people to bear arms.”
President Donald Trump took the podium at the NRA convention on May 4 amid massive applause, thanked NRA leadership and the “American patriots of the NRA,” then launched into a speech reaffirming that our natural rights originate in God.
Trump said, “The people of his hall have never taken our freedom for granted, ever, and you’ve never stopped fighting for our constitution.” He talked of NRA members’ commitment to fight for “our sacred rights, given to us by God.” Breitbart
“Your second amendment rights … will never, ever be under siege as long as I am president. … We believe that our liberty is a gift from our Creator, that no government can ever take it away. We have pride in history, and respect for our heritage. We put our hand on hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance and we all proudly stand for the National Anthem.”
President Trump’s conviction and his words showed that our rights and liberty come from God. Therefore, it is fitting that the people are free to exercise those rights and bask in that liberty.
Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.