Boom! Cher Turns on Nancy Pelosi After Ossoff Loss
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“Admire & respect Nancy Pelosi, but in ‘every’ race, GOP runs against her,” Cher said.
In an interview with Breitbart News on the eve of the election, Handel said that Democratic voters in Georgia’s sixth district did not mind that Ossoff lived outside the district, because she said Ossoff was “completely aligned” with Pelosi’s positions.
“[Democrats] want someone who will march lockstep with the liberal mantra,” Handel said.
Cher joined several House Democrats in questioning Pelosi’s leadership following Ossoff’s loss. The 76-year-old California Democrat easily fended off a challenge from Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan to retain her leadership position in November.
“I think you’d have to be an idiot to think we could win the House with Pelosi at the top,” Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX) told Politico Wednesday. “Nancy Pelosi is not the only reason that Ossoff lost. But she certainly is one of the reasons.”
In an interview on Breitbart News Daily Wednesday, Democrat radio host Rick Ungar said it was time for Pelosi to “move on to the next stage of her life.”
“Nancy Pelosi was all over this race in Georgia,” Ungar said. “Every TV ad coming from the Republicans was Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi.”
Cher has been an outspoken opponent of Trump. The singer regularly uses her Twitter account to criticize the president, often replacing Trump’s name with a toilet emoji.
But the Grammy-winner has also been critical of the Democratic Party. In an interview with Billboard last month, Cher blamed the party leadership for being out of touch with American voters.
“The Democrats f*cked up so bad in their message, and how old [the leadership] is,” she said. “You’ve got to pray that old people die before young people can get involved with the party.”