BREAKING: Allen West Issues SHOCKING Message To Americans, “REFUSE To Celebrate 4th Of July.”

BREAKING: Allen West Issues SHOCKING Message To Americans, “REFUSE To Celebrate 4th Of July.”

Allen West thinks we should not celebrate Fourth of July.

Fourth of July is technically meaningless says Allen West. The Fourth of July is a day like any other. Instead, we should celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day, which happens to fall on the fourth day of the seventh month. (via Allen B. West)

Independence day is the holiday that we gather to celebrate. Calls to celebrate the Fourth of July are part of the long term strategy of the liberal elite desperate to make us forget our history.

Allen West claims the difference between July Fourth and Independence day is subtle, but very important.

It should be clear by now that liberals have been taught to hate our nation, and everything it stands for. Liberals reject our history as a colony, and ignore the accomplishments of the great people who forged our great nation.

While serving as president, Barack Obama undermined our history, and the values that unite us. He spent eight years apologizing for our past, and denounced the “arrogance” of our country.

Shortly before leaving office, Obama made sweeping changes to the Oath of Allegiance. New legal immigrants are no longer required to vow to defend America.
Liberals have been convinced by the Marxist education system and globalist media that America is the source of all the world’s problems — now, brainwashed youngsters think that our country was never great.

The media and schools want us to forget our history. They want us to celebrate the Fourth of July, and forget about Independence Day, and the remarkable history that created the unprecedented prosperity we enjoy. Liberals want to make the day about hot dogs, and not history.

Symbols of national pride are dismantled, and declared racist or sexist. Schools have stopped teaching students to stand in attention with hand-over-heart during the national anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance has been relegated to a relic, and many schools reject the pledge.

Liberals want Americans to be residents, and not patriots. It’s much easier to promote a globalist agenda after national pride has been stamped out.

This year, true patriots should be celebrating Independence Day — not the Fourth of July. Lest we forget the sacrifices of countless men and women who secured our country’s independence from the monarchy.