BREAKING: China Makes Major War Move Look What They’re Doing RIGHT NOW!!!

BREAKING: China Makes Major War Move- Look What They’re Doing RIGHT NOW!!!

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China announced on Friday that it has begun landing bombers on the artificial islands it created in the South China Sea, in preparation for the Battle of the South China Sea, Breitbart reported. The announcement appeared on China’s Ministry of Defense website:

A division of the Air Force’s aviation division has recently organized multi-model multi-bombers such as the -6K to carry out training on islands and reefs to take off and land in the southern seas, tempering the ability to “reach all regions, conduct full-time air strikes, and strike in all directions.”

A spokesman for the Pentagon, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Logan, called the exercise an act of “China’s continued militarization of disputed features in the South China Sea”.

The Chinese air force said in a statement on its website that several bombers, including the H-6K, its most advanced, had conducted take-off and landing training on an island reef, though it did not specify which one.

Earlier this month, the White House said it was prepared to take measures against the militarization of the South China Sea, after Beijing reportedly installed new missiles on outposts in the Spratlys – known as Nansha in Mandarin – that are also claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines.

“We’re well aware of China’s militarization of the South China Sea. We’ve raised concerns directly with the Chinese about this, and there will be near-term and long-term consequences,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. South China Morning Post

This is another major escalation in China’s preparation for war. The bombers are landing on the artificial islands that China constructed in violation of international law, as the United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.

In the past two years, the PLA alone conducted at least 45 exercises a year, according to data complied by the South China Morning Post, and it staged them in more complex and harsher conditions on land, at sea and in the air.

Alongside his military modernization drive, which also includes a boost to military research and development efforts designed to close the weapons gap with the United States and Russia, Xi has also demanded absolute loyalty and obedience to the party from the 2.3 million-strong PLA and 1.5 million-strong People’s Armed Police, which was placed under the direct control of the CMC this year.

“China has repeatedly lied and hidden its true intentions. Originally, the artificial islands were going to be for tourists and scientists, which was a lie. Then the military installations would be purely defensive, which was another lie. And now they are part of a massive militarization in anticipation, when preparation has been completed, to launch a full-scale war on America and its allies. Chinese military facilities in the South China Sea include air bases, radar and communications systems, naval facilities, and defensive weaponry, including landing strips able to accommodate military planes.

China has repeatedly hidden its intentions and will continue to do so until it is prepared to launch its attack. China is following exactly the same path that the Nazis followed. Xi Jinping’s “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” is the same as Hitler’s National Socialism. Like the Nazis, the Chinese leadership believe that they are a Master Race that will conquer the world. New Delhi TV and The Print (India) and South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) and The Diplomat” ~ John J Xenakis

With so many wires currently burning, mainstream media keeps the Chinese news buried. Blunt truth is, China is a communist nation and they have broken international laws and ignored international court rulings against them via The Hague.

How is it that China gets to break the law and do as they please with nothing more than harsh words from the Pentagon and then President Trump turns around and calls China our friend?

Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.