BREAKING: DeBlasio Signs SICK Order To Protect MS-13 Gang Members

BREAKING: DeBlasio Signs SICK Order To Protect MS-13 Gang Members

Liberal politicians are sick! They care far more about protecting known criminals than taking care of honest American citizens. They’re not satisfied unless they’re screwing over folks like you and me in favor of thugs.

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio has just signed a new law that would make it harder to get rid of vicious foreign-born gang members in our country, such as MS-13. The new law creates a legal loophole that criminals can now use to avoid being deported (via The Daily Caller)!

Of course, these political hacks always have a pretense for what they do. They’re not going to admit that what they’re doing puts Americans at risk. So they sugarcoat it with all kinds of good sounding intentions.

The law is supposedly aimed at helping young people avoid being saddled with a criminal record early on in life. Now, that’s something to take issue with as well. Part of the problem with teenagers today is we keep shielding them from the consequences of their actions — instead of letting them fall down a time or two to learn.

What the law does is allow police to classify certain crimes as “civil summonses” instead of “criminal summonses” (via Dennis Michael Lynch). This includes offenses like littering, noise violations, public possession of alcohol, and urinating in public.

Here’s where this affects immigration enforcement. If the summons is classified as civil instead of criminal, police are not obligated to report the immigration status of the offender to ICE. Illegal alien offenders don’t have to worry about being deported.

The criminal element in New York is ecstatic about the new law. Many gang members, including those belonging to the infamous MS-13 gang, are deported after being identified in minor petty crimes like those listed in the law. New York is now making it harder to identify the delinquents who shouldn’t even be in the country.
DeBlasio tried to defend his actions with the typical left-wing talking points: “A minor nonviolent act of poor judgment should not determine one’s destiny. Today, we are making sure that key low-level offenses are enforced appropriately — without sacrificing our city’s quality of life or our residents’ safety.”

Naturally, the police are now being encouraged to classify a summons as civil instead of criminal. The administrators (NOT the police) who oversee the police department are bought and paid for by the same liberal interests that control DeBlasio. Many of the violent criminals facing deportation may now end up staying in our country — where they will continue to make law-abiding Americans suffer.

What exactly do Democrats get out of all this? Why do they insist on keeping violent criminals here? The reason is this: Democrats count on criminals to do their dirty work for them. Leftists regularly organize riots to intimidate us into giving in to their political demands. Without all these illegal hoodlums hanging around, liberals would be out of an army.

Deporting these scumbags is essential to keeping our streets clean and safe. It’s also a must for reducing the power of the liberal movement. The fact they fight so hard to keep illegals in shows how important the cause is to them. Let’s fight harder to kick them out!

We are a nation of laws. If our border is not respected, we don’t have a country. President Trump gets that. He’s fighting tooth and nail to bring common sense back to immigration enforcement. But he needs our support to overcome opposition from losers like Bill DeBlasio.

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