BREAKING News Out Of Illinois… Spread This Everywhere Patriots!

BREAKING News Out Of Illinois… Spread This Everywhere Patriots!

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Multiple rural Illinois counties have passed resolutions establishing a so-called “sanctuary” for gun owners in a bid to thwart the state legislature’s efforts to enact stricter gun control.

At least five counties declared themselves sanctuary counties for gun rights, co-opting a word that most conservatives associate with the liberal policy of ignoring federal immigration laws,Fox News reported.

“It’s a buzzword, a word that really gets attention. With all these sanctuary cities, we just decided to turn it around to protect our Second Amendment rights.”

– David Campbell, vice chairman of the Effingham County Board.

He added that around 20 other counties in Illinois have asked for copies of his county’s resolution. He also said officials in Oregon and Washington, have also asked for copies.

County officials say it’s unlikely their symbolic move will be enough to stop the state legislators from passing new gun control measures as the legislature is dominated by lawmakers from in and around Chicago that are liberal and completely against firearms.

“We’re just stealing the language that sanctuary cities use,” said Kibler. “We wanted to … get across that our Second Amendment rights are slowly being stripped away.”
President Trump recently spoke at an NRA convention and he acknowledged that there is an attack on our freedoms, our 2nd Amendment rights and that he will stand WITH firearm owners and never allow our freedoms to be stripped away.

“We support the Second Amendment, not only because we believe in freedom, but also because we trust in everyday, talented, wonderful people … And by the way, these teachers, they love their students. And they are not going to let anybody hurt their students. But you have to give them a chance.

“Your second amendment rights … will never, ever be under siege as long as I am president. … We believe that our liberty is a gift from our Creator, that no government can ever take it away. We have pride in history, and respect for our heritage. We put our hand on hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance and we all proudly stand for the National Anthem.”
We finally have a President that speaks truth and stands against those who desire to abolish the United States and create their own open borders nation. If they have their way, our nation will fall and they will be the ones to take over and rule the sheep.