BREAKING News Out Of North Carolina… THIS IS AWESOME!!!

BREAKING News Out Of North Carolina… THIS IS AWESOME!!!

Are you ready for ‘feel good’ story? This one is awesome!

A New York firefighter, Sean O’Gorman, 50, from the Oswego Fire Department is being hailed as a hero after rescuing three young girls who got caught in a rip current at a beach in North Carolina.

If you have ever been caught in a rip current you know how difficult it is to swim back to shore. Trust me, I have first hand experience and it’s pretty darn scary.
Anyways, O’Gorman was vacationing with his family in Emerald Isle, N.C., when he spotted two girls in the water who seemed to be having a hard time returning to the shore.

A third girl who was attempting to save them also became caught up in the rip current.

O’Gorman said he ran to the girls’ mother, who then called 911. Deciding not to wait for help, O’Gorman swam out to the girls himself, Fox News reports.

“We were sitting, watching the girls playing in the water about 75 yards out, and I noticed they stopped trying to get back to the shore, and I think they were caught in a rip current,” O’Gorman told The Charlotte Observer. “I decided to swim out, which was easy. Getting back was a struggle, with me trying to tow them all in. They were hooked onto my feet.”

The firefighter said the girls “did not panic,” and he believed that the local fire department “would’ve gotten to them” had he not gone out.

Oswego Fire Department confirmed that O’Gorman completed swift water rescue training just last week, and by “using the aggressive swim, forceful crawl stroke,” he was able to reach the struggling swimmers.

Here’s the post from the Oswego Fire Department Facebook page:


Oswego Firefighter/Medic Sean O’Gorman recently completed swift water rescue training in Auburn last week. Today he saved three girls who were caught in a rip current off the of coast of Emerald Isle, North Carolina while on vacation with his family. Using the aggressive swim, forceful crawl stroke he learned in training he was able to reach the girls where their father was unable, even on a surf board. By the time firefighters from Emerald Isle arrived FF O’Gorman had everyone out of the water safe. Each year, approximately 100 people lose their lives in rip currents.
We want to thank Oswego Firefighter/Medic Sean O’Gorman for his heroism- not only for saving the 3 girls but also for dedicating his life to protect and serve our citizens.

We also want to thank all LEO, emergency responders, doctors, nurses and our military.

God Bless.