BREAKING News Out Of South Korea From President Trump… BIG

BREAKING News Out Of South Korea From President Trump… BIG
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National Security Adviser John Bolton on Friday dismissed a New York Times story about plans for a troop drawdown in South Korea as “utter nonsense.” The Pentagon also said the report is “false,” and President Donald Trump stated that a troop withdrawal is “not on the table,” Breitbart reports.

The New York Times story, published on Thursday, cited “several people briefed on the deliberations” who claimed President Trump ordered the Pentagon to “prepare options for drawing down American troops in South Korea.”

President Donald Trump said Friday that he will not consider withdrawing the 28,500 American troops stationed in South Korea as he prepares to negotiate the removal of North Korea’s nuclear weapons with its leader Kim Jong Un in the coming weeks.
“Troops are not on the table,” Trump said at Andrews Air Force Base just before boarding a flight to Dallas, Texas. The president denied a New York Times report that he had ordered the Pentagon to draw up options for removing U.S. forces from South Korea, reports.

Mainstream propaganda has been spewing lies and whatever agenda fits their daily insanity. One such topics has been our soldiers being pulled out of South Korea. CNN, MSM, NY Times and many more have all been saying that our President is serious about getting our troops out of South Korea.

Blunt Truth is:

President Trump clearly stated “TROOPS ARE NOT ON THE TABLE”
Officials with the Pentagon and the National Security Council also denied the report.
SOD Mattis stated our soldiers will remain in South Korea
Marine Lt. Col. Christopher Logan, a spokesman for the Pentagon, called the New York Times report inaccurate, adding American force posture and mission has not changed in South Korea and the Defense Department has no plans to adjust them.

“The president has not asked the Pentagon to provide options for reducing American forces stationed in South Korea,” Logan said. “The Department of Defense remains committed to supporting the maximum pressure campaign, developing and maintaining military options for the president, and reinforcing our ironclad security commitment with our allies.”

National Security Adviser John Bolton also denied the report on Friday.

“The president has not asked the Pentagon to provide options for reducing American forces stationed in South Korea,” he told reporters in Washington.

Ignore all the comments on Facebook from people saying our troops are leaving South Korea, ignore the fake news that spews their own agenda.

Providing the Blunt Truth and ironclad facts is vital and that is exactly what I do and will always do.

Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.