BREAKING: Obama Caught In $5.9 BILLION Welfare Scandal – ARREST HIM.

BREAKING: Obama Caught In $5.9 BILLION Welfare Scandal – ARREST HIM.

The more information the alternative media receives about the Obama administration, the more it becomes crystal clear that our 44th president was a crook.

Obama, like a lot of progressive Democrats, used the federal government to increase welfare handouts to his constituents. A new 90-page report from the Government Accountability Office has established that between thirty-five and sixty-five percent of “Obamaphone” recipients lied on their applications, via Daily Caller.
The report makes it clear that this high percentage of fraud was capable because the federal government, through the Federal Communications Commission, left eligibility screening in the hands of companies that profited from signing up as many people as possible.

The “Obamaphone” program, otherwise known as the Lifeline Program, was controversial from the start.

Many conservatives pointed out that the government should not be in the business of giving poor or unemployed people money for cellphones.

Now, thanks to this damning report, we can conclusively see that the Lifeline Program not only encouraged widespread fraud, but also stashed approximately $9 million of assets in private bank accounts, via Washington Times.

Ironically, Missouri Democrat, Claire McCaskill, was the one who requested the GAO’s report.

The very same party that once supported Obama’s federal program is now lambasting it for its complete lack of oversight, via Fox News.

This is akin to a cat burglar complaining about faulty locks on the houses that he’s already ransacked.

In a broader sense, the “Obamaphone” fiasco is proof positive that the era of “Hope and Change” meant federal corruption and big money interests from the very beginning. Obama’s radical rhetoric was done at the behest of Wall Street and private donors.

According to GAO, “Obamaphone” fraud ran so deep that their own investigators fraudulently applied for government phones nineteen different times. Twelve of the investigators were approved, via Western Journalism.

Government waste continues to plague the United States. President Trump should not only think about limiting (or eliminating) the Lifeline Program, which has been around since the 1980s, but he should also look into other drains on the U.S. economy, including fraudulent welfare applications.

Statistics from Los Angeles alone show that, during the fiscal years of 2004/2005, there were 60,634 cases of welfare fraud. Imagine how much worse it’s gotten under Obama, via Get Out of Debt.

Making America great again means cleaning up the federal government, and addressing its inability to keep a healthy, and balanced checkbook.