BREAKING: Trump Just Gave HORRIBLE News to Obama’s Entitled “Dreamers”. Do You Support?

BREAKING: Trump Just Gave HORRIBLE News to Obama’s Entitled “Dreamers”. Do You Support?

We’ve all heard the Left whine about President Trump’s deportation of illegals and criminals. The president officially gave them something to cry about, and we couldn’t be happier.

According to Reuters, former President Obama gave a litany of free passes to illegals. In most cases, these criminals were allowed to stay in the country, and live their lives undisturbed. Now, President Trump is telling illegals it is TIME TO GO by reopening cases that Obama allowed to go dormant.
The Obama administration said they would allow illegals to stay here who had not committed “serious crimes.” What’s the only problem with that statement? Being here illegally IS a serious offense. If you sneak into another country illegally, suck up as many tax dollars as possible (all the while playing the victim), you ARE a problem — and you’ve broken the law in a big way!

Are we supposed to sit around and wait for these illegals to commit a “serious crime” before they’re deported? Obviously, simply BEING here is a crime. If you can get a ticket for jaywalking, why shouldn’t SOMETHING happen when you’re caught here illegally? It’s hypocrisy at its absolute worst.
President Trump made a promise to us when he took office. He said he would make sure he got the illegal immigrants out of here, and that he would focus on the AMERICAN people. His promises are coming to fruition every day.

Consider: Between March 1st and May 31st, about 1,329 cases were almost reopened by prosecutors. The number this time last year (when Obama was president), was a mere 430.

It’s about time someone stood up for the PATRIOTS of this country. We’ve had to sit through eight years of an Obama presidency watching our rights dragged through the mud. Times have changed, and for the better.

We can’t put our families in danger by allowing illegals to come here by the THOUSANDS. If just one of those criminals kills someone, we’ve got a serious problem.

Innocent people don’t deserve to die because we feel morally obligated to take people in from around the world. If you want to come to the United States, there is a LEGAL process that can make the change happen for you. If you feel the need to come here illegally, you have to pay the price — there’s no getting around it. You can’t talk your way out of this.

The Left loves to tell everyone else what their beliefs ought to be, and we’re done dealing with it. We stand for the freedom and safety of our friends and neighbors. Our country cannot take EVERYONE in need of a place to stay. We have our own problems and challenges — and we’re facing them as Americans. President Trump understands that we simply cannot hold ALL of these people. If they cannot come here legally, they must go, no questions asked. And that’s how it SHOULD have been all along!