websites are down- September 15, 2009, 08:14 AM for urgent videos. See 09 15 09 (Numerology 969 =6 today). YES CANADA- WE HAVE A ONE PARTY SYSTEM. NDP included. Thank you DAVID ICKE. We would not have been awakened without your work. BLESS YOU! Too bad the ZIONIST SATANISTS have banned you from CANADA! David Icke: One Party System? Pt.1/2 Video David Icke: One Party System? Pt.2/2 Video Why didn’t the collapse happen on 09 09 09? Lizards are trying to cover their tracks? Too many know about the NWO. Not many know about the Cannibalistic alien agenda. YES, the shapeshifting reptilians are HUMAN MEAT EATERS! The Aliens Are Coming! The Aliens Are Coming! this billboard is all over the Algoma Ontario AREA. Hope the ET’s are ready for all that ORGONE IN THE WATER NOW. I love our NEW BLUE SKIES. Your CHEMTRAIL program is a FAILURE in the SAULT..BIG BROTHER:)) Now perhaps we can get the fish back into our lakes again. The Ultimate Deception – The Final Attack Video