We must destroy all false beliefs that were added into Islam after the death of the Prophet (pbuh). We must be of the Muwahiddoon (the Unitarians of Islamic faith), who are the rejectors of sects. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: This Day I have perfected your Deen for you and chosen Al-Islam to be your Deen. (Quran, Surah Maidah) Nothing can be added or subtracted to Islam after this proclamation, and yet this is exactly what these various sects have done. Allah says in the Quran:And hold fast, all of you together, by the Rope of Allah and be not divided amongst yourselves. (Quran)
Category: David Icke
David icke 2012 Ufo maya info tribute 11:11 pure truth disclosed NL
On December 6, 2012 This was video taped at almost 7:00 am EST ( EASTERN STANDARD TIME ) in the city of malden and that is in Massachusetts in the United States and it is 9 miles North of Boston.. Notice you will see the strange looking Moon on the beginning of the video and notice down on the horizon the Sun is quickly starting to rise and in between the 2 you will see as clear as day a planet.. This exact area has been chem trailed over and over and over and over. WHY? Every one says it is Venus, Jupiter and that i fine but all i am asking is When did you ever see a planet that big without a telescope or without a camera? I don’t care what astronomy program will tell me what this is because if you are 40 years old or older? The fact is that what some are saying that the science that us older people learned in school is wrong or has been changed or updated? WE COULDN’T SEE ANY PLANETS and for the record because i was up all night because my best friends Wife has a child i have always looked in the skies and Venus had already passed my house. I see it ever night. – Since I have taken this video i have noticed that the Sun is visually over that chimney around 11 in the morning and eventually is on the side of my house by 5 in the afternoon.. What is my theory? that object is possibly ours or a Sun that we have assumed. How can that be a Sun if it hasn’t arose yet and ALL DAY the chem trails make sure that the object is completely cover so it can’t be seen. I have never …
David Icke Conspiracy of the Lizard Illuminati Part 2 2
As far as killing babies and eat them, it is process to show everyone they do this and there is no one to arrest them or convict them because they are secure from law and once new recruits get this message they do not dare to talk and they are observed 24/7. Their members of their organisation…
Gianfranco Carpeoro – Il Grande Complotto: la sottrazione del Tempo.
Gianfranco Carpeoro – Milano 23 giugno 2012 – Conferenza al convegno eXoterico organizzato dal David Icke Meetup, Democrazia Diretta Sovranità Monetaria e da Collana eXoterica. per ricaricare il video mettere il link del canale da cui è tratto e cioè www.youtube.com e specificare che la conferenza è organizzata dal david icke meetup e da democrazia diretta sovranità monetaria