All the tries scored by the strong blues back.
Category: George Carlin
One of the greatest videos of all time
In this here video, we discuss the importance of life.
Gun Rights for all Americans
If the NRA and gun owners hadn’t taken a back seat and allowed the 1968 gun control act to go into effect, which disenfranchised a large proportion of the po…
My Feelings Over the Election in Charlton Heston’s Words
This is how I feel right now towards the voters of this country.
[AVA] Okay, You have all weapons, You`re so pro.
[AVA] Okay, You have all weapons, You`re so pro. [AVA] Okay, You have all weapons, You`re so pro. – YouTube [AVA] Okay, You have all weapons, You`re so pro… – YouTube All weapons i have -…