Water: Technology of the Gods (Sitchin Chronicles EP4)

“The Sitchin Chronicles” is a YouTube series produced by the Ancient Astronaut Archive that highlights the articles Zecharia Sitchin published in the last decade of his lifer. Many of these publications are several years old and therefore some of the data may seem to be out of date. However, the Archive has attempted to up the information in footnotes along the way in in each presentation. It is important to understand that this series is dedicated to preserving and disseminating this information for future students of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis. Even these presentations will become “dated” as time passes and all viewers are encouraged to research the newest findings related to each respective topic.

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Atrahasis – Creation and Destruction of Humankind

Atra-Hasis was a central figure in the ‘creation’ and ‘deluge’ accounts chronicled by the Sumerians hundreds of years before the first book of the Bible was ever written…

Atra-Hasis (“exceedingly wise”) is the protagonist and namesake of an 18th century BCE Akkadian epic. The Atra-Hasis tablets include both a creation myth and a flood account, which is one of three surviving Babylonian deluge stories. The oldest known copy of the epic tradition concerning Atrahasis can be dated to the reign of Hammurabi’s great-grandson, Ammi-Saduqa (1646–1626 BCE), but various Old Babylonian fragments exist.

According to one version of the Sumerian king list, in the years just before the Flood swept over the earth, Ubara-Tutu (who is named as the father of Atrahasis in Gilgamesh) was king of Shuruppak, where some of the earliest writings known to the entire world have been discovered. According to a different version of the Sumerian king list, Atrahasis, called there by his Sumerian name Zuisudra, himself ruled the city Shuruppak, preceded by his father who was named like the city. A wisdom composition known as The Instructions of Shuruppak is now attested on clay tablets from the Early Dynastic period in the early third millennium BC, and contains sage advice given by Shuruppak to his son Zuisudra. Thus, Atrahasis was a notable figure even at the dawn of history.

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Did Advanced Robots Exist in the Ancient Past

How advanced is the technology that exists today, what are we using it for, and can machines turn on their human creators? What is transcendence and why will we all be familiar with it? Technology is growing exponentially and the moment when it merges with the human mind, called “The Singularity,” is visible in our imminent future. Can humans, limited by slow biological evolution, compete with synthetic intelligence? Science and technology are pushing forward, transforming life as we know it—perhaps even giving humans a shot of immortality. Who will benefit from this? Where did the idea of robots originate and why are humans fearful of decision-making robots that may be able to create goals and objectives, and work toward achieving them? This book examines the history and future of robotics, artificial intelligence, zombies and a Transhumanist utopia/dystopia integrating man with machine.

How did it all begin, and what’s in store for humans today, in the near future, and in the distant future? Haze and Eguino explore the fascinating role of artificial intelligence from a practical human perspective and discover that the mind-altering process necessary to accept and integrate with the inevitable is already underway, molding human consciousness.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning http://www.earthancients.com/

The Tunnels of Teotihuacan, Evidence of Megalithic Engineers

Few of the modern visitors to Teotihuacan are aware of the vast and mysterious underworld of caves and man-made tunnels that extends under much of the ancient site and for miles around. The existence of these tunnels has been known for centuries, but not even the most recent research has been able to solve the mystery of their origin and purpose. Very much like at Giza, in Egypt, these tunnels are rumored to connect all the main pyramids by means of underground passageways, and perhaps even lead to the records of a lost civilization.

For the inhabitants of Teotihuacan, the labyrinthine network of caves and tunnels under the city represented the entrance to the Underworld. In the Codex Xolotl, the glyph used to represent Teotihuacan contains the depiction of two pyramids above a cave with a person inside. This suggests a possible connection with the Aztec traditions of Chicomoztoc, the “Place of the seven caves”, from which the present humanity was said to have emerged after a previous world was destroyed.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning http://www.earthancients.com/

Top Alternative history Researchers Special Edition of Earth Ancients

We’ll hear from Andrew Collins on new data from Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and his great interest in the Cygnus Constellation and the strange alien mega-structure that scientists are studying.

Erich Von Daniken visits with us to discuss his new book, Astronauts Gods of the Maya and his discovery of advance technology in the jungles of Central America.

The show highlights the article I wrote with Jim O’Kon, a forensic Engineer, on the observatory at Chichen Itza and our discovery of a mechanism that may have aided ancient Maya astronomers to look deep into space. You can read this article, (Advanced Engineering Discovered at the Maya Observatory at Chichen Itza), here http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-americas/advanced-engineering-discovered-maya-observatory-chichen-itza-008124

Finally, we hear from Maya Daykeeper and priest, Hunbatz Men who explains the strange beam of light which was emitted from the top of the pyramid (El Castillo) at Chichen Itza in 2009, and subsequently reviewed and studied by NASA research teams a few weeks after the event.

Thanks to Cliff Dunning http://www.earthancients.com/