Pole Shift , Earth Changes and Predictions [FULL VIDEO]

Futurist, teacher, and author Gordon-Michael Scallion gave an update on his visions of upcoming Pole Shift Earth changes. The whole planet is heating up and going through a “metamorphosis” that is triggered by magnetic shifts (Pole Shift) and movements in the Earth’s core, he explained.

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Gordon-Michael Scallion reveals his global predictions for social Polar Shift and Earth changes.

Mr. Scallion’s insights have been featured on NBC, CBC, CNBC, Fox Television, Unsolved Mysteries, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Art Bell’s, Coast to Coast, as well as online and print publications throughout the world. .
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Ascension to New Earth [FULL VIDEO]

“Ascension is a natural function of the multiverse. It’s happening to everybody in the multiverse all the time. Ascension is for everyone.” – Guy Needler (History of God)

Capricorn Radio in Partnership with Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Academy. World’s Most Advance Professional Hypnosis Therapy Training Academy. Exclusive 5% discount on QHHT Online Class Level 1

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We are all individually ascending through the frequencies. But it is a slow and gradual process. We can become normalized to the slightly higher frequencies without noticing any change. For example:

The frequency level that was expected by December 21, 2012 was reached and surpassed by February 2012, even though most people didn’t even notice it.
December 21, 2012 was a milestone for planet Earth, which increased its base frequency slightly. Some sensitive people may have perceived that.

Contrary to what you might think, it’s not the the best way to have a steep jump from a lower to a higher frequency level. Why? Because then it’s just as easy to drop back down the levels, if the higher level is not sustainable or tolerable. .
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Lemuria and the Lemurians [FULL VIDEO]

Lemurians came to lift the Earth into the Light and have returned now for the completion of the cycle. We know how to be love; we just need to remember that we are Divine Beings clothed in human form says Charmian Redwood.

Capricorn Radio in Partnership with Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy Academy. World’s Most Advance Professional Hypnosis Therapy Training Academy. Exclusive 5% discount on QHHT Online Class Level 1

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Coming Home to Lemuria is a book of hope and inspiration. In Lemuria we lived in Love, we had the power to manifest whatever we needed and these powers are available to us now. We are at a time on the planet where the frequencies are rising and we have the opportunity to once more live in Oneness and Joy. We have memories at a cellular level and we can live in this consciousness again.

Lemurians had a great sense of Unity and Oneness. Every individual part was equal to not better than any other and Love was the key to evolution. They created whatever they needed so their only desire was to be of service to the Earth and her children. .
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ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS : Inca and Mayan Empires

A look at the Ancient Civilizations of the Inca and Maya Empires. Discover the gems of the 15th Century Incan empire, a domain which covered much of South America. The splendid cities of Curzo and Chairana and the grandeur of Machu Picchu captivated the imagination and, unfortunately, greed of the Spanish conquistadors. Lifelike virtual construction gives us a close look at the massive sacred grounds of the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, religious and political capital of a world known to generations of European adventurers as El Dorado.

Part starts at 26:33 and looks at the Mayan Empire. Between the 3rd and 10th centuries A.D., the Mayan civilization ruled much of Central America. Travel back to the magnificent Mayan cities of Uxmal, Tulum, Chichén Itza and the capital Palenque, with its breathtaking pyramid built by master mathematicians. Being that it is located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, it is, to this day, one of the most picturesque places in the world.

Ancient Civilizations offers a comparative analysis of the field, including both old world and new civilizations, and explores the connections between all civilizations around the earth.The volume provides a jargon-free introduction to ancient civilizations from the first civilizations, and the great powers in the Near East, to the first Aegean civilizations, the Mediterranean world in the first millennium, Imperial Rome, northeast Africa, divine kings in southeast Asia, and empires in East Asia, as well as early states in the Americas and Andean civilization.For those interested in ancient civilizations.

Today’s civilizations owe an immense debt to the powerful empires and mighty cities of antiquity. Their inventions, techniques and concepts enabled the advancement of humankind and lay the foundation for life in the modern world.

Explore Ancient History, including videos, pictures, and articles on cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and more.

ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS : Etruscan and Byzantine Empires

A look at Ancient Civilizations of the Etruscann and Byzantine Empires. Go on a journey to the ancient cities Volterra, Populonia and Cervetari and see why Etruscan civilization was famous for its extravagant wealth, fine ceramics, handicrafts and bustling trade, and how it was all lost in battles with the Greek colonies in southern Italy.

Part 2 starts at 24:30 and looks at the Byzantine Empire. Throughout the course of history, many great civilizations have flourished n Turkey because it forms a natural bridge between Europe and Asia. The Byzantine empire was home to the splendid Greek cities of the ancient East. Take a virtual tour of Gordian, the domain of King Midas, and Hattusa, the famous Hittite capital with its spectacular royal citadel.

Ancient Civilizations offers a comparative analysis of the field, including both old world and new civilizations, and explores the connections between all civilizations around the earth.The volume provides a jargon-free introduction to ancient civilizations from the first civilizations, and the great powers in the Near East, to the first Aegean civilizations, the Mediterranean world in the first millennium, Imperial Rome, northeast Africa, divine kings in southeast Asia, and empires in East Asia, as well as early states in the Americas and Andean civilization.For those interested in ancient civilizations.

Today’s civilizations owe an immense debt to the powerful empires and mighty cities of antiquity. Their inventions, techniques and concepts enabled the advancement of humankind and lay the foundation for life in the modern world.

Explore Ancient History, including videos, pictures, and articles on cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and more.