Part 1 looks a number of anomalies which would suggest the whole dam thing was staged! Including William’s Masonic handshake with Burlisconi, licensee of Clo…
Category: Jake Kotze
9.1 I’m Coming Out (so you’d better get this party started)
Yes, I’m aware that it’s actually “Coming Up” and not “Coming Out”, but it seemed appropriate regardless. Sorry about the poor audio, I’m still learning to p…
A Metaphysical Banana
this a partial response to several recent videos by Nykytyne2 life after death brain/mind…
The Red I Of The Blue ONE
Synchromystic video highlighting an intimate relationship between the Red I/Eye of Blue SpiriT and the highlighted palm. ht…
Karin’s Birthday Present
My sister’s birthday today so we wanted to give her something special and since she lives all the way in Australia and we live all the way in the UK thought …