Während sich sonst in Russland das Gedenken an die Oktoberrevolution etwas eingetrübt hat, hält die kommunistische Partei die Erinnerung daran weiterhin hoch…
Category: Jake Kotze
The Freedom Tower and the Octagonal Stargate
I research the occult and esoteric relevance of the octagon, past and present. It is shown how the octagon relates to the secret societies and the 9/11 mega-…
Kings of Conspiracy – Illuminati Threatened
Since new people are joining the Resistance all the time We D sided We would take it back to square one to make the reason clear on why We know something is …
xoxopanxoco’s gone wild
death defiers gone wild is the name a powerful sacred invokatin now? is was it haspockey? And you cant toach this. how powerful is your master now? He bugs me everyday, dont you think…
Turquoise and White Version 1
For lyrics and more info go to http://imaginingthetenthdimension.blogspot.com/2008/02/song-16-of-26-turquoise-and-white.html Turquoise and White Version 1.