Sri Sri Ravi Shankar speaks about how the Vedas need to be revived and how modern science and the ancient Vedic texts can compliment each other. SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:…
Category: Michael Cremo
Creationism (God Almighty) vs. Evolutionism (Mother Nature) Controversy
Beliefs about the origins & development of the species, the Earth, & the universe: including Evolution, Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Theistic Creationism, and Intelligent…
hidden science.wmv
Nikola Tesla science has been suppressed for the greed of few and to the detriment of all of us. Why with his research into high voltages and high frequency as well as plasma, very low frequency…
A:Episode 5 – The Origin of Races [1/3]
The Verdict of Science – A series on science and evolution in support of creation. Part A – Episode 5/10 More on the origin of human races:…
How ‘Lord’ Christopher Monckton is going to win a Nobel Prize!
Will ‘Lord’ Monckton get a Nobel prize for his climate change theory? Taken from under the fair useage policy.