Sri and Kira welcome very special guest Neeta Singhal of Mumbai, India as together they discuss the ancient science of RRST and Ascension.
Category: Michael Cremo
Planes invented in the Vedic Age by a sage’ Claim At Science Congress -Special Edition 05-01-15
planes invented in the Vedic Age by a sage’ Claim At Science Congress -Special Edition 05-01-15.
David Wilcock Myth or Logic Interview 4/11
David Wilcock Myth or Logic Interview June 2009 David Wilcock Rumour Mill Interview
Walter Cruttenden – Are We in a Binary Star System? – September 6, 2014
Walter Cruttenden returns to the show to talk about his upcoming conference CPAK. The Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge. We get into his work on the cycle of ages, Yuga Cycles,…
Rumors are rampant on the Internet that the archaeology is suppressing the true human past. We take a look at the origins of a modern myth. The following art. The Truth about Secret Knowledge,…